【一天10分鐘 英語詞彙通】Geographical Terms/關於地理名詞你有沒有忘記呢? 趕快復習一下!



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👉🏻0:50 WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語
1.bank [bæŋk] [名] 銀行;堤;岸
2.beach [bitʃ] [名] 海灘
3.hill [hɪl] [名] 小山
4.island [ˋaɪlənd] [名] 島嶼
5.lake [lek] [名] 湖
6.mountain [ˋmaʊntn] [名] 山
7.ocean [ˋoʃən] [名] 海洋
8.river [ˋrɪvɚ] [名] 河流
9.sea [si] [名] 海
10.stream [strim] [名] 溪流

👉🏻3:00 LANGUAGE FOCUS 常見地理名詞

  • Yangmin Mountain (陽明山)
  • Mount Ali (阿里山)
  • Sun Moon Lake (日月潭)
  • the Atlantic Ocean (大西洋)
  • the Pacific Ocean (太平洋)

👉🏻5:00 EXERCISE實戰演練
1. The girls are sunbathing on the ______. (A) mountain (B) beach (C) river (D) island
2. During the summer vacation, they went to the ______________ and did a lot of water sports.
3. I feel it great to take a bath in the hot ____________ in Yangmingshan.
4. Taiwan is a beautiful ____________.

A: I heard there are many monkeys living in this mountain. But I didn’t see any of them last time when I was here.
B: Hope we can see some today.

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💯《Answer Key》: 1. (B) 2. beach 3. springs 4. island  
