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With the changes of the times, people's health awareness is rising, and agriculture is gradually transforming. Yunlin County is a major agricultural county in Taiwan. Huaxing Organic Farm located in the county is an organic farm mainly planting leafy vegetables. It consists of the 74th production and sales team of Xiluo. Liao Ruisheng, the monitor of Huaxing Organic Farm, mentioned that when they first started to grow organic vegetables, it was very difficult to operate, and the implementation of organic vegetables was not easy.


Traditional agriculture often uses chemical fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, etc., which cause great damage to the land. After the rise of environmental protection, many people switched to organic agriculture to grow crops. Liao Ruisheng, the owner of Huaxing Organic Farm, said that the operation was very difficult at the beginning. Easy, because organic vegetables are ugly in appearance, leafy vegetables will be worm-eaten, and even only roots and stems are left when they are picked, so they are often returned.


Squad Leader Liao emphasized that the organic agricultural products grown by farmers do not use chemical fertilizers, and in accordance with government regulations, they have passed 381 pesticide residue tests and can be used as nutritious lunch ingredients to provide students with the most nutritious and healthy diet. He also hopes that more people will accept organic vegetables, because through organic agriculture, agriculture can be made more advanced and a piece of pure land can be returned to the earth

一. 美術地國-股票and地產✨:





將農業廢料變養分 首創永續種菇 

Turn agricultural waste into nutrients, the first sustainable mushroom cultivation

After several searches, they found an old mushroom farm, located in the Pingxi Mountains with fresh air and clean water, with sufficient humidity and high negative ions, which is an environment that mushrooms like. After the location is determined, they want to arrange everything from growing mushrooms, making mushroom buns, rotating mushroom species and seasons to shipping, and challenge to develop mushroom buns that "do not require new resources and can be recycled."


They kept trying on their own, and received technical guidance from Li Weisong, an assistant researcher at the Agricultural Research Institute, and finally found raw materials that are abundant in Taiwan and are grown in a friendly way—organic rice straw from Changhua, unprocessed osmanthus bamboo chips from Nantou, and certified by the Rainforest Alliance ( RAC) and Good Coffee Certified (UTZ) coffee grounds are made into "big tree buns". After the whole process is finally established, Taiwan's first mushroom farm "Rice and Big Mushroom Food" that uses agricultural waste to create a friendly cycle. born
