1.14 Mushroom hunting in Sweden with Sam 聊聊美國鄉下

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Today’s guest is Sam. She is from South Carolina and her parents are from Taiwan and China. Today we will talk about: 
今天很來賓是 Sam。她從小在美國 South Carolina 長大,媽媽是台灣人 爸爸是中國人。 她今天會跟我們分享:

  • Life in South Carolina 南卡羅來納州的生活
  • Studying in a religious school 宗教學校的歡境
  • Exchange stories from Sweden 在瑞典交換的故事
  • Moving to Taiwan 搬來台灣的感覺

Special thanks to 特別感謝:
Sam: @sammhwei_ https://instagram.com/sammhwei_?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Edited by Tim Huang
Recorded at MicMind Studio  
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Video 影片連結 (訪談片段): https://youtu.be/uWdt-SRxB6E 
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