支付寶與行動網銀的結合- 免手續費- 開店零成本- 跨國支付也行



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純網路銀行一切服務都透過網路完成,可以節省掉實體銀行的店租、ATM 、行員、水電費、維護費之類的成本,進而提供更優惠的存款及貸款利率,促進金融產業邁向4.0

一. 美術地國-股票and地產✨:




現代人手機不離身,隨著行動裝置普及、電子支付蓬勃發展,客戶對於數位金融服務需求日益提升,元大銀行除持續推動普惠金融、綠色金融服務外,亦不斷精進各種數位平台之使用體驗。元大銀行自2019年3月推出跨行無卡提款服務,觀察到客戶對無卡提款服務需求日漸增加,為擴大行動銀行應用功能服務,與中國信託銀行合作,攜手推出24小時QR Code跨行無卡提款服務。

客戶毋需攜帶金融卡,於提款前登入元大行動銀行APP,預約無卡提款,即可於全台近7,000台、24小時服務中國信託銀行自動櫃員機,選用他行無卡提款,僅需以元大行動銀行APP掃描櫃員機晝面產生的QR Code,再輸入無卡提款密碼後,即可完成提款交易,相較現行無卡提款服務,無須再手動輸入銀行代號、提款序號、提款金額等資訊,整體流程方便又快速。

經實際測試QR Code跨行無卡提款服務,自登入元大行動銀行預約交易起,到中國信託銀行自動櫃員機完成取款作業,整體操作平均約2分鐘即可完成,透過登入元大行動銀行APP、輸入OTP簡訊動態密碼及ATM無卡提款密碼三道關卡驗證,讓交易不僅方便也更加安全。



可預見在不久的將來,現金使用即將降載,元大銀行營運除了數位化、無紙化,也將朝著低碳無卡化目標邁進。鑑此,自即日起至2022年12月31日止,元大銀行與icash Pay共同推出優惠活動,於7-ELEVEN實體門市或指定藥妝、超市或居家用品通路消費,以icash Pay連結元大銀行存款帳戶扣款消費,最高加碼OPEN POINT點數10%回饋




綠界表示,第1季初推出次世代OMO刷卡機,受到市場高度肯定,在疫情升溫下仍吸引眾多數位轉型的特店申請使用,促使業績保持成長樣態。隨後緊接推出新版Apple Pay與7-ELEVEN超商寄件取貨、宅配到府、低溫配送的物流全整合業務合作,也引起客戶廣大迴響!第2季則因臺灣本土疫情升溫,綠界加重宅經濟、直播帶貨、信用卡BNPL,協助零售業數位轉型等逆勢領域之經營,並投資近3億元參股30%精誠資訊100%全資子公司《嘉利科技》,以擴大在次世代OMO刷卡機的布局。




Mobile phones are inseparable from modern people. With the popularization of mobile devices and the booming development of electronic payment, customers’ demands for digital financial services are increasing. In addition to continuing to promote inclusive finance and green financial services, Yuanta Bank has also continued to improve the experience of using various digital platforms. . Yuanta Bank launched the inter-bank cardless cash withdrawal service in March 2019 and observed that customers' demand for cardless cash withdrawal service is increasing day by day. In order to expand the mobile banking application functions and services, Yuanta Bank cooperated with China Trust Bank to jointly launch a 24-hour QR Code inter-bank service. Cardless cash withdrawal service.

Customers do not need to carry a financial card, log in to the Yuanta Mobile Banking APP before withdrawing funds, and make an appointment for card-free withdrawal. They can then use nearly 7,000 ATMs across Taiwan, which serve China Trust Bank 24 hours a day, and choose other banks to withdraw without a card. You only need to scan the QR Code generated by the ATM with the Yuanta Mobile Banking APP, and then enter the cardless withdrawal password to complete the withdrawal transaction. The serial number, withdrawal amount and other information, the overall process is convenient and fast.

After the actual test of the QR Code inter-bank cardless cash withdrawal service, after logging in to Yuanta Mobile Banking to reserve a transaction, you can complete the cash withdrawal operation at the ATM of China Trust Bank. The overall operation can be completed in about 2 minutes on average. Enter the OTP SMS dynamic password and the ATM cardless withdrawal password for three-level verification, which makes the transaction not only convenient but also more secure.

Yuanta Bank provides multiple channels to open the cardless cash withdrawal service. Bring the chip financial card to Yuanta Bank's 24-hour ATM, and set the cardless cash withdrawal password to complete the opening process; you can also go to the counter during bank business hours. You only need to bring your personal dual ID and chip financial card, and a dedicated service can be done at one time and taught to the meeting; if customers bring their own card reader, they can also choose to apply for activation through Yuanta Internet Banking. Yuanta Bank provides a variety of channels for activation. satisfy customer needs.

Yuanta Bank has made remarkable progress in the application and development of emerging technologies, the expansion of financial scenarios, and the operation of digital ecosystems. Lianshe, etc.) has established dense channel services in Taiwan. With the advantage of 24-hour operation, Yuanta Bank uses innovative financial services and cross-industry cooperation to jointly promote a new zero-contact economic model. card, and you don't need to carry a lot of cash with you.

It is foreseeable that in the near future, the use of cash will be reduced. In addition to digitalization and paperless operation, Yuanta Bank will also move towards the goal of low-carbon and card-free. In view of this, from now until December 31, 2022, Yuanta Bank and icash Pay will jointly launch special promotions. Spend at 7-ELEVEN physical stores or designated drugstores, supermarkets or household products channels, and use icash Pay to connect with Yuanta. Bank deposit account debit consumption, up to 10% bonus OPEN POINT points


Taiwan's third-party payment leader Green World Technology (6763) announced its financial report for the second quarter of 2022. The accumulated revenue for the first half of the year reached 713 million yuan, an increase of 7.6% over the same period last year, with a net profit after tax of 162 million yuan and earnings per share of 9.52 yuan.

In the first half of this year, affected by the Russian-Ukrainian war, the spread of the local epidemic, and inflation and interest rate hikes, consumption has shrunk, all industries have been hit hard, and business has declined. The new high depends on the advantages of membership scale and the business strategy of grasping the market dynamics and developing new payment tools.

Green World said that the launch of the next-generation OMO credit card machine at the beginning of the first quarter was highly recognized by the market, and despite the heating up of the epidemic, it still attracted many digitally transformed special stores to apply for use, which prompted the performance to maintain a growth pattern. Subsequently, the new version of Apple Pay was launched and the fully integrated logistics business cooperation of 7-ELEVEN supermarket delivery, home delivery, and low-temperature delivery has also aroused great response from customers! In the second quarter, due to the heating up of the local epidemic in Taiwan, the green world has increased the housing economy, live broadcast delivery, credit card BNPL, and assisted in the operation of the digital transformation of the retail industry in contrarian fields, and invested nearly 300 million yuan to participate in 30% of Jingcheng Information and 100% wholly-owned Subsidiary "Carrie Technology" to expand the layout of the next-generation OMO credit card machine.

Looking at the overall situation, Green World Technology can quickly respond to market changes, drive the revenue growth of existing members, and attract new members to join the launch of new products. Room for growth of various incomes.

Looking forward to the second half of the year, the e-commerce hot period is about to usher in, including summer vacation, anniversary, double 11, Christmas, and various business data will be stronger than the first half of the year based on past experience. Huang Huayong, general manager of Green World Technology, said that since the number of platform members has exceeded 340,000 and the market share has continued to expand, the advantages of economies of scale of members will bring more opportunities for the company to grow. At present, in addition to cooperating with several banks, it assists in the development of joint accounts and the promotion of the binding of trust bank withdrawal accounts, creating a win-win situation for both parties. In addition, Green World Technology will also open a strategic alliance with large domestic platform institutions, and is willing to participate in the platform of electronic payment sharing QR-CODE integration under suitable regulatory conditions, so as to expand the ecosystem of online and offline payment markets
