循環經濟-循環資源-循環低碳技術-Wifi 6 的創新



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純網路銀行一切服務都透過網路完成,可以節省掉實體銀行的店租、ATM 、行員、水電費、維護費之類的成本,進而提供更優惠的存款及貸款利率,促進金融產業邁向4.0

在大樓頂端裝上5G行動基地台,提供低延遲高速網路,各國積極推動5G建設發展,還有WiFi 6升級潮、企業換機潮大爆發,以及低軌衛星建設火熱等動能帶動,加上供應鏈缺料緩解、出貨順暢推升。網通大廠中磊第二季獲利4.5億元,年增174%,EPS來到1.79元,雙雙創下歷史新高。展望下半年,董事長王煒表示,訂單達成率將大幅提升。





一. 美術地國-股票and地產✨:




Netcom industry ushered in an optimistic outlook! Consumer electronics are pessimistic about the outlook for the third quarter due to the impact of inflation on buying sentiment. In contrast, the 5G wave is unstoppable, and the supply chain and Netcom industry are ushering in an optimistic outlook! Consumer electronics have a pessimistic outlook for the third quarter due to inflation affecting buying sentiment. In contrast, due to the unstoppable 5G wave and the gradual easing of supply chain problems, the Netcom industry has a much better outlook for the second half of the year. Netcom giant Zhonglei made a profit of 450 million yuan in the second quarter, an annual increase of 174%, and EPS reached 1.79 yuan, both hitting a record high. Zhibang is also optimistic about maintaining a high level in the third quarter. Significant growth is expected.

A 5G mobile base station is installed at the top of the building to provide low-latency high-speed Internet. Countries are actively promoting the development of 5G construction. There is also a wave of WiFi 6 upgrades, a wave of enterprise replacements, and the construction of low-orbit satellites. The shortage of materials in the supply chain has been alleviated, and the shipment has been smoothly pushed up. Netcom giant Zhonglei made a profit of 450 million yuan in the second quarter, an annual increase of 174%, and its EPS reached 1.79 yuan, both hitting a record high. Looking forward to the second half of the year, Chairman Wang Wei said that the order fulfillment rate will increase significantly.

Wang Wei, chairman of Zhonglei: "After more than a year in the entire industry, this very uncertain supply chain situation, we finally see that the entire order fulfillment rate can move towards 90%."

Consumer electronics are pessimistic about the outlook for the third quarter. In contrast, the Netcom group is much more optimistic, because the problem of shortage of chips in the supply chain is solved. Zhibang is also expected to maintain a high level in the third quarter because the demand for data center equipment is still hot and the orders from corporate customers are strong. Due to the negative macro factors such as the mainland lockdown and the Ukraine-Russian war, the EPS in the first half of the year was only 0.31 yuan. However, looking forward to the second half of the year, the text believes that the operating conditions have gradually improved. Revenue and profit are expected to grow significantly in the second half of the year. Although geopolitical factors have disrupted the situation recently, Zhonglei has already figured out a solution.

Wang Wei, Chairman of Zhonglei: "The impact of geopolitics will eventually push us all towards local production. This road is irreversible. To push local production, you must have global Economic scale, this kind of localized manufacturing in the world is already an irreversible trend.”

In response to the recent tense situation in the Taiwan Strait, the industry has made arrangements in advance to reduce risks by decentralizing the supply chain
