裴洛西訪台改如何改變台海現狀與影響區域穩定? /How Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit Changes the Status Quo in the Taiwan Strait and Impacts the Regional Stability?



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Today Sean King of Park Strategies, a New York-based global consulting firm, talks to us about the implications of recent live-fire drills surrounding Taiwan conducted by the PLA following the US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Taiwan visit in early August.

-What message is China sending to Taiwan?
-Why do China’s alternative facts, history and propaganda worry Sean?
-Why does South Korea President’s lukewarm reception of Pelosi worry Sean?
-What’s the sentiment in the US? What’s going on in Congress?

Let’s take a listen.

Show notes:
-“US Senate's Taiwan Policy Act stuck in Review Limbo”: https://cutt.ly/aCx9cbY
-“US Senator Seeks to Bolster Taiwan's Asymmetric Defense with New Bill”: https://cutt.ly/oCx4p7Q

Image source:
-Sean’s personal archive

