The final journey of the Queen and The Diamond Sutra and Mindfulness Meditation-

琉璃心The Mindful Heart /Mindfulness Meditation


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Welcome to podcast-The mindful Heart.
This is Xin (Zinn). Thank you for your support ! Remember, no matter what the year brings, you are loved and you are strong. Wishing you peace and happiness.
In this episode, I will introduce the content of the Diamond Sutra, and will take all of you to practice mindfulness meditation- Mindful breathing and looking for happiness 

Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, became Queen in 1952 at the age of 25 and spent 70 years on the throne. She had pledged to serve her people, which she fulfilled through a combination of skill and a sense of duty. After days of lying-in-state, the body of the late Queen Elizabeth II has made its final journey as part of a grand state funeral. 

From the wondrous and miraculous moment when we were conceived, we began the irreversible process of aging,subsequent illness, death, and separation. These are powerful reflections to meditate upon, for you open the heart to what is important. Also, we can send Loving-Kindness to Loved Ones.

The Diamond Sutra (Sanskrit: Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra) is one of the most important sutras in Buddhist philosophy and is highly valued in both traditional Chinese and Japanese societies. Originally written in Sanskrit, it has been translated into many languages, including Mandarin and English.

In the practice of mindfulness, the first thing to do is to empty the mind and get rid of all troubles, and only then we can develop the unsurpassed bodhicitta of perfect enlightenment. This mind is not attached to form, nor to sound, smell, taste, touch, or dharma. It should not be attached everywhere, and only our mindful heart can be perfect and unobstructed. If you don’t have attachments on any case, you will be able to liberate the mind of dwelling, which is the dwelling place of the Bodhisattva.

#the diamond sutra,mindfulness,meditation,mindful breathing,Sravasti Abbey,Ānanda,upadana, nirvana,loving kindness meditation,Mindful self inquiry,stress,anxiety,sitting meditation,body scan,suffering,pain, Scrotapatti,sakridagamin,Arhatship,imaginary lions,anagamin,Aranyaka,arhat,Subhuti,Dipankara,shakyamuni,Thich Nhat Hanh,Martin Luther King Jr., Nobel Peace Prize,Nguyen Xuan Bao,suffering,sensation,emotion,thoughts,Omicron,immunity,Body scan, long Covid,loving kindness meditation,Prajna,Tathagata,Buddha, Buddhist,Bodhisattva,loving-kindness meditation,Queen Elizabeth II,funeral,the Queen,Death,the Lord Chamberlain,Charles III

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