【一天10分鐘 口說英語通】Describe a harmful environmental problem. 和人討論環境汙染問題~用英文深入交談,不難!



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Question: Describe a harmful environmental problem, and explain what can be done to prevent this environmental problem.
You can say:

  • what it is
  • how harmful it is
  • what harmful effects it has

Sad to say, we are living in the era of pollution. All kinds of pollution have seriously affected every aspect of our lives. But if you ask me, I would say air pollution is probably one of the most serious environmental problems. These days, a large number of people get affected by many respiratory diseases and other disorders. People pollute the air in many different ways. First, people burn fossil fuels and coal to generate energy. Vehicles and factories emit carbon dioxide and black smoke, and at the same time, they also release many unwanted substances and molecules. All these get mixed with the environment, and will seriously cause damage to the environment and even the entire ecosystem. Of course, I think we should take preventive measures to control the pollution. But at least recycling and reusing things is something that we can all do to prevent pollution.


  • If you ask me, I would ...

例1: If you ask me,I would say (that) I won’t mind.
例2:If you ask me I would also like to know.
例3:If you ask me, I would not eat at that restaurant.

1. aspect [ˈæspɛkt] (n.) 方面
2. respiratory [ˈrɛspɚətɔri] (adj.) 呼吸的
3. generate [ˈdʒɛnəret] (v.) 產生
4. emit [iˈmɪt] (v.) 排放
5. carbon dioxide [ˌkɑrbən daɪˈɑksaɪd] (n.) 二氧化碳
6. release [rɪˈlis] (v.) 釋放
7. substance [ˈsʌbstəns] (n.) 物質
8. molecule [ˈmɑlɪkjul] (n.) 分子
9. preventive [prɪˈvɛnt̬ɪv] (adj.) 防止的,預防的
10. measure [ˈmɛʒɚ] (n.) 方法,措施
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