Grandpa Bill continues today talking with Angels.
Featured Guest Angel Today Archangel Ariel-She is the angel of nature, she’s the often seen as the protectress of the natural world, and the overseer of the elements, animal kingdom and plant world. Grandpa Bill recalls my Catholic adaptation and interpretation of recalling her, as an overseer for the restoration and preservation of the Earth, because it is such a unique and valuable planet.
Archangel Ariel is often depicted with a globe, representing the planet Earth, or something symbolizing one of the four elements (air, fire, water, earth).
I think I relate to her mostly for the same reasons and being a Pisces
more here-Don't forget to PLEASE join my friend, soul buddy, and Angel- Lauri Ivers each and every Tuesday at 11:00 am EST as we shed some"light" on things-together with your participation on BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour on Spotify!
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