1.17 Moving to America and exploring Cambodian history with Van 聊聊搬去美國的影響

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I am so excited to share this conversation with you today from Van. Although she grew up in California, she has a very interesting background. Today she will talk to us about : 
今天的來賓是 來自加州的Van,雖然他在美國長大 但他有非常有趣的背景,今天他會跟我們分享: 

  • 6歲搬去美國的感覺和遇到的事情Moving to the US at the age of 6
  • 他對於自己身份的糾結 Her battle with her cultural identity 
  • 在柬埔寨一年的經驗 a year with extended family in Cambodia 

Check out Van’s illustration work on instagram @vanillalaart ​​
Or email her at:  vchung95@gmail.com
Special thanks to 特別感謝:Van Chung
Edited by Tim Huang
Recorded at MicMind Studio  
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