菜英文- 讓自己更好『英文閱讀』95



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史考特給自己的筆記,一個出生平凡的台灣人,在34歲那年,接觸到靈修和量子物理之後,在美國成為上市企業裡的最高業績團隊,同行業績全球冠軍,管理百人團隊,來聽聽看他是怎麼從平庸匱乏的日子走到幸福富足的生活 https://fstry.pse.is/6dwdb4

—— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

菜英文- 讓自己更好『英文閱讀』95 #英文學習 #多益

Things which Make you Better

1. Everything is simple簡單, simply start開始 now!

2.Do it, if you wanna go run, go run! 

3.If you wanna have a fancy華麗 dinner晚餐, go for it! 

4.If you wanna get up early早 and make a bed整理床, make it! So does with other fears恐懼, no need to be scary恐怖, face it! Everything is as simple as your first step does.
2. A happy you is within裡面 you!
3.Make your surroundings環境 happy you’ll be happier too, the smile微笑 of your loved ones are precious寶貴, send them a text訊息.
4.Do you have time for 5 mins, maybe a random隨機 video call can make it better.
5.Dressing cute for yourself你自己 doesn’t hurt 傷害anyone, look how cute you are, even no one will see you, because you will see yourself! Making it organized條理, and neat整潔.

6.Improve改善 your sleep quality品質!

7.Putting everything cleaned清潔, and fresh清爽, have a good pillow枕頭, tidy整理 your bed and room, and just from that a slight微小 change改變 will improve the life better, waking fresher清爽 to restart開始 the day after.
8.Engage交手 them, speak it, reaching達到 the people with whom you want to connect連結 with!

9.Send them an email, and proofread校對 it, rejection拒絕 is nothing, how many rejections you had, try it out, will be more failures失敗 if you never try.

10.You are more than you think!

11.Sometimes you feel nothing, but look at the bigger you, you are awesome很棒, passing all obstacles障礙 on your own, have been so much standing out站出來 for yourself, your journey旅程 is clearly清楚 not smooth平順, but you reach this point, just so proud驕傲 of you.

12.Be honest about your feeling, see deeply深深 inside you!

13.Also being honest誠實誠實 to someone else that you don’t like how they behave行為 toward you is also fine, nothing is more respected尊重 than the way you know your true self. 

14.Feeling sorry and asking forgiveness原諒 after you made a mistake錯誤 is also fine, we learn every time to be better.

15. Accepting接受 comments評論 and opinions意見 make a bigger you!
