EP05: Germany revisited - back to the start

Hot Dry Noodles 热干面的碎碎念


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By popular demand, my friend Vivienne came back to join me in this episode (she was eager to anyway lol). She has been in Germany for almost 20 years, and in my case, soon it will be 10 years. Therefore, we figured it would be a good cause for us to both take a look back at how and why we came to Germany. If only we could tell time to go slower.

This episode is in Chinese, in case you didn't notice ;)

We enjoyed the process of revisiting our journey to Germany in this episode, and there's simply so much to talk about that we cannot go through everything in a couple of hours, hence we covered as much as we could today. After all, it's an episode for ourselves, and we hope it could resonate with some of you in the audience.
