菜英文- 好的伴侶『英文閱讀』102



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菜英文- 好的伴侶『英文閱讀』102 #英文學習 #多益

Marry The Person Who Gives You These Feelings

1 The feeling of peace和平

2 I think that the feeling of peace is vastly巨大地 overlooked忽略 and undervalued低估 when it comes to seeking尋找 a partner伴侶 and a relationship關係.

3 More often we talk about passion熱情, excitement興奮, adventure冒險旅程, attraction吸引…

4 And, while all of those things are very important重要的, relationships are multidimensional多面的 and, hopefully希望 will last持續 a very long time.

5 There will be periods時段 of time and phases階段 in life where adventure冒險旅程 is not the goal目標, but serenity寧靜. 

6 Living in a peaceful和平 and calm冷靜 environment環境, being able to能力 simply sit and enjoy享受 each other. 

7 Watch a sunset日落 or a sunrise日出. Enjoy a glass of wine酒, or a cup of coffee. 

8 Sit and watch a movie, or read a book.

9 Just…existing together.

10 These moments時刻 will be more frequent經常 and longer lasting持續 the further into the years we travel旅遊 together — so their importance重要 cannot be overlooked忽略.

11 The feeling of gratitude感激

12 Gratitude感激 in a relationship關係 is double-sided雙面的: We should feel grateful to have our partner in our life, and also know that they are grateful for us as well.

13 When you feel a deep深的 sense of gratitude for having this person, you truly真的 value價值 and appreciate感激 them. 

14 You don’t put yourself in a position位置 to jeopardize危及 the relationship關係. 

15 You feel “lucky” that your life paths道路 have converged匯集 and that you choose each other every single day.

16 I fully完全 believe that gratitude is one of the most powerful強大 emotions情緒 we can experience經歷. 

17 It keeps us connected連結 with the things that really matter to us真的重要.

18 If you’re not grateful感激 to have someone in your life, why would you want to spend花 the rest of your time with them?

19 The feeling of being seen看到.

20 Anyone can look at you, but not everyone will put in the effort努力 to really see you. 

21 To see you for who you really are. 

22 To see you for all of the things that other people have overlooked忽略.

23 To love all of the things about you that other people took for granted理所當然.

24 When someone recognizes分辨 the quirks古怪 that make you special特別 and unique獨特.

25 That is a rare少的 gift禮物 to be given.

26 This is valuable價值的 because when someone sees you and continues持續 to love you, it’s a showing of full完全 acceptance接受. 

27 They know the things that make you difficult困難. 

28 They know the parts of your past that you’re embarrassed丟臉 by. 

29 They know your secret秘密 insecurities不安 and the demons惡魔 you struggle掙扎 with.

30 When you know that someone sees you and loves you, it gives you a feeling of comfort舒服 and freedom自由 that allows you to open up and be your most authentic真實的 self around them. 

31 The feeling of being respected尊重.

32 Everyone craves可望 and deserve應得 respect in relationships關係 of all kinds.

33 It doesn’t matter if it’s from a colleague同事, a friend朋友, or family member家人, or especially特別 your significant有意義 other…feeling respected is an essential必要的 piece部分 of any puzzle拼圖.

34 Feeling respected means knowing that your partner honors尊敬 your boundaries界線, your opinions意見, and your viewpoints觀點.

35 It means意思 that they take you into consideration考慮 when making big decisions決定.

36 It means that they give you space空間 when you need it, and pull you closer when you need it.
