[幼教老師玩外文]#137 I will try



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I will try by Marilyn Janovitz




I eat.
Then I brush.
I pack my bag.
“Time to go,” says Dad.
“Have fun,” says Mom.
Oh! It is Jan.
I like her.
Jan can do a split.
Jan can pose.
Jan can jump.
Jan can spin.
Can I?
I will try.
“Oh, no!”
Down I go.
I give up.
“Don’t give up,” says Jan.
“Try again.”
I try again.
I did it!
“Thank you, Jan!”

Boys and girls, have you tried something hard? 
Do you give up easily?
Or you would try your best?
Don’t give up. Your abilities will get better and you will feel more confident.

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