【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I would like to promote you. 老闆: 我要給你升職啦~~~



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W: Mr. Cuban, may I help you? M: I have something important to discuss with you. Have a seat, please. W: Thank you, Mr. Cuban. So what is that? M: Because you’re hard working and quick-witted, I would like to promote you as a manager. W: Really? Thank you so much, Mr. Cuban. I didn’t even think of it! M: You deserve that.

1. important [ɪmˋpɔrtṇt] (adj.) 重要的
2. discuss [dɪˋskʌs] (v.) 討論
3. hard [hard] (adj.) 努力的
4. quick-witted [kwɪk wɪtɪd] (adj.) 機智的
5. promote [prәˋmot] (v.) 提升;提拔
6. manager [ˋmænɪdʒɚ] (n.) 經理
7. deserve [dɪˋzɝv] (v.) 應得


  • I would like to + V

《Note》 I would like to give you a surprise. (我要給你一個驚喜。)

  1. I would like to go with you.
  2. I would like to say something.

It’s so hot. _____________________.


《Answer Key》: I would like to go swimming
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