About D. NEIL
As I write this, it has been just over three years since I began my journey, utilizing the knowledge I gained to reach out and contact the Divine, and to cleanse and rebuild my consciousness. This contact takes place when you gain the knowledge and insights about the Truth of Existence, Creation, and the twin impulses of being, and follow the instructions provided. Only after I had completed all the necessary learnings and steps was I able to reach out properly to make contact with the Divine.
When I first started meditating, I felt nothing I recognized as contact. After a few months of meditating daily, I got in the swing of clearing my mind completely of the string of endless thoughts that flow non-stop into the human mind and permeate it.
As I continued with daily meditations, daily cleansing, and the rebuilding of my consciousness, my contact with the Divine became clearer, beautiful, and more powerful. The stronger the inflow of spiritual energy was, the more my body reacted in movements and vibrations. As I became more receptive to the inflow of spiritual power, I began to shift into higher frequencies of consciousness.
If you join me in this process, completing the learnings, learning how to meditate properly, and sticking with it, you too may enjoy these amazing and beautiful experiences yourself, as you ascend in consciousness.Grandpa Bill today talks with D.Neil Elliot about his book, meditation and life. More at BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour on Spotify #Author #Spirituality #Spiritual Growth #Enlightenment #Consciousness #Meditation #Religion & Spirituality #Mental Health Awareness #Mind-Body Connection #Mindfulness
Hey Neil,
Thank You so much for being on my podcast show. I truly do appreciate you. here below is the YouTube Link of our earlier today taping
This show is/and will be featured on All Platforms Spotify, Apple, Google, Anchor Amazon, Stitcher etc, tomorrow as well!
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