i thought it was awful the first time, but it got so incredibly interesting as it progressed that i had to watch it again. it feels like the movie is trying to mimic something like the lion king without really knowing what that is. still, there are some wonderful parts in the film. it's got its fair share of sweet moments where the characters talk, as well as some legitimately funny moments. the film is easy to enjoy, and it turns out to be a rather entertaining film.humans have always been fascinated with animals, and viewing one as a means of entertainment is nothing new. there is something charming about a bigfoot, yet there is something embarrassing about anthropomorphizing animals. this is why films like these are often a parody of what the culture thinks animals are or should be. this is not a film that seeks to mock either, but instead it's just a film that tries to get its audience to laugh while trying to tell an interesting story. what else do you expect from the makers of the office's band geeks? i would say this is the most important reason why this film is so entertainingkingdom of heaven is the first movie in a series called "survivor: the game of thrones", because of the way the plot of this film and the rest of the series is similar. this is an interesting premise for a screenplay and a movie in itself, and the way the writers handle it as a mockumentary is one of the highlights of the film. there is a lot of stuff that makes this film funny and enjoyable. what's really striking about the film is how they take the basic and boring premise of the mockumentary and put a unique spin on it. a very well written script, and lots of funny situations make this one a pretty great film.