the entire portfolio was released for the apple mac on january 24th, 2016. the pc versions of the individual products are available from the native instruments website. the range of mobile applications are available at the app store and google play.the battery 4 sample-accurate midi to sysex converter is available as a free software update. as well as a new editor, this update brings: sample-accurate midi to sysex converter new editor that provides a new level of flexibility daw/ m4m/fax file export support for syncing multiple battery 4 instruments support for simple and complex patch changes more creative ways to chain samples improved performance and stability the battery 4 update also features a new editor. battery 4 is the first version of the program that can convert multiple instruments. this is a really nice feature as you can chain multiple instruments together. this is a basic feature in battery 3 as well but the new editor makes it really easy to use. there are various ways to chain instruments. the chain mode can be used to break down the master instruments into individual chains. this can be a very useful way of combining instruments that don't have the same note length.chord mode: you can use this mode to use with multiple instruments. the mode will join the instruments into one track. this is a very useful way to chain instruments. this is a basic feature in battery 3 as well but the new editor makes it really easy to use. if you hit a key while in this mode, it will join the tracks together.