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our vision for star trek online is to create a true star trek experience for players of all ages and across all platforms. we will be able to tell the stories of all the star trek tv series and movies with a single game.the first race of gta online is called the run, and pits a number of vehicles against each other in a timed race that can be split into two different modes: single player mode, where you can play one player against a ai computer opponent, and multiplayer mode, where you can play against other human players.the main focus of gta online is obviously to play the missions you're given and to earn money. many people don't consider the fun part of playing a video game, which is taking on other players, but a lot of the fun in gta online will come from doing this. you can watch the radar of everyone around you and know that if you're looking at a target then you can attack, but you'll need to be careful of being seen as well, and the way in which you do this is by using your character's driving skills.as well as having the ability to explore the whole of the city in free roam mode, you'll also have access to the many different activities that are available to you. from the moment you spawn in the game, you'll be able to explore the environments and missions of los santos, and you can also visit private properties in the game's universe. that's just the tip of the iceberg, however, with a huge variety of missions and activities available. so, whether you're interested in exploring the area, taking part in illegal activities, or simply hanging out with the locals, you'll have a diverse range of activities to choose from. and the best news is that you can do all this without leaving the single player campaign.


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