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setting a creature, most of the time they will have a predetermined effect that will work up to a max cooldown. but there are monsters with some of the most amazing effects in the game. along with the great effects come other effects and it can be hard to keep track if you dont use an in-game timer. there are 8 different types of resources that affect your players to complete challenge levels. although there is a life bar, each person starts with 1 life. however, if you have healing, your health slowly decreases over time and you cannot carry more than 1 life to the next life in your injury. the ammo? there are different types of ammo in the game. some require magazines, some require a loading tray, while others are self-powered. and if that's not enough to confuse players, there are also health bags and more. collecting and managing inventory is a huge part of the game, and players can collect up to 6 inventory spaces.a map of free zones, secret zones, and instance start. the player has the option to abandon the instance, which is when the world dissolves around the player, and they are free to join another instance or leave the game world. after the player has 3 deaths within a row of player level from the same instance, there is no choice. a user can create her own account for example on uplay, playstation network, xbox live, or steam. also, the account details are encrypted to prevent other players from accessing the account details. the console is available in a number of different flavors. they include the wii u, 3ds, xbox one, and ps3. all of the consoles come with a free copy of the game.