Index Of Password Facebook



Index Of Password Facebook ===

You can import pictures from Facebook, but unless you're actively trying to share photos, it's only safe to do so if you want to have a place to house a lot of photos. If you don't want Facebook to know your vacation photos, don't share them. You can share the EXIF data for those photos on Facebook, and there you go, your vacation photos forever copied to Facebook's servers. Facebook doesn't tell you if your photos have been copied, so you can't do anything about it.In 2010, Facebook invented Messenger. It was designed to let you chat with Facebook friends, but not through Facebook, but as a stand-alone app. You might have thought that would make it safe from data-gathering. Facebook let a bunch of data scientists take your conversations and give you fun quizzes. You got to ask them all your privacy questions again, to make sure you hadn't answered the survey. I can only imagine that they are trying to build a profile from all the public data in Messenger to figure out our personalities. Hey, at least they have a profile of me and don't sell my stuff. For a lot of people, that's a win.Facebook announced last year it would add a snapshot of your physical location data and your IP address to your profile. All of it, not just when you're using Facebook, but whenever it feels like it. It has them stored for at least a year, and may keep them indefinitely. The company has no obligation to delete your data, and tells you that many months after your profile expires, it may still retain your data. They have a good description of what they do with the data, so that might be some comfort. You can turn it off. It's possible to disable location data without any data loss.

