High On Android Cwm Recovery Gt N8000.tar Download



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I have to do the download either by USB or WiFi to be able to get it into Recovery Mode, and when I do that, the tablet freezes and sometimes boots into Download Mode, so I have now been waiting for it to work for over 30 mins. please helpI have tried everything I can think of on this thing. I have a Galaxy Note 10.1 N8000 and from last night I upgraded from 4.3 to 4.4.2 and when I first tried to go into recovery mode I got into the download mode. This was weird because if I had done it right, it should have gone into recovery mode. I did what the link said to do and the screen went black and I could hear a "ding" and the screen blacked out and for about 10 secs I turned the tablet on and it had rebooted and was at the landing page screen and when I hit the home button to go to the apps list, it would go into download mode. I did all of the instructions for getting the recovery screen and to hard reset and it didn't do anything. I did this 3x and still nothing. If I try to go into recovery mode again and see the PASS! on Odin and then press hard reset and let it reboot, it goes into download mode. I have no idea what to do next. I can't seem to get into the recovery mode and I have tried EVERYTHING I know to do. Please help. My daughter is nervous about this tablet and she feels like its not safe for her to keep.I have followed the instructions above and have hard reset my tablet, however, it still boots into download mode and fails to get into the recovery mode. I have installed the Jibe Software and I try to install the Riff files. I get the message that this installation is not authorized. I'm really stuck and I have no idea how to move this forward.


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