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a virtual desktop is a software abstraction that allows the user to run multiple virtual machines on a single computer, with each virtual machine running its own operating system and desktop. all of the data for all of the virtual desktops is managed by the hypervisor.every computer has a screen with a text and graphic user interface (gui). a user can access the software installed on a computer with this gui. a graphical user interface (gui) is a computer program that provides an interface for a human user. a gui is made up of two parts: a visual part, which is the graphical elements presented on the screen, and a software part, which is the software or hardware that interprets the user's input and requests actions from the user, depending on the program.a content delivery network is an intermediary system in the internet infrastructure, which delivers internet content to users. the system consists of servers and routers, which are maintained by a content delivery network operator. a server is the main element in a content delivery network and often contains the content (e.g. an html page, a video, a photo, or a software application).the most common reason for a computer virus to infect a computer is because a user has clicked on an email attachment, downloaded a file from the internet, or opened a file on a disk. in some cases, a computer virus can be downloaded to a computer with a file sharing or internet music program. in other cases, it can be downloaded with a game or computer program.this type of software can be spread by infected websites. a malicious website might be using malware to track the browsing habits of visitors and sell the information to other websites. if a visitor downloads and opens a file from a website, the file might contain a virus or worm.