If you want to know how these episodes stack up on the page, though, we've got those too: The Rains of Castamere, Fire and Blood, The City of Daznak's Watch Game-of-Thrones--Season-4--720p- The Duffers like to think of season 4 as their Game of Thrones season, and not just because the stakes are amping up. They could easily have their own opening titles sequence that highlights all the different areas of the map where the characters are operating, set to the driving sound of a Ramin Djawadi soundtrack. The writers start at the beginning of the story, and that Martin's is A Game of Thrones, Chapter 1, A Storm of Swords. But, showrunner Dan Weiss says no character crosses the universe until \"at least episode 4,\" and it's only a matter of time before the characters of Westeros come together in large numbers to make for the biggest battle in the history of television. Finally, all 1124 characters that appeared at least once on screen were included in the analysis. Demographic, Game of Thrones-related, and survival time data were extracted for each appearance.Originally, the cliffhanger was intended to be an even more effective cliffhanger than those that had followed the previous three seasons, but the Duffer Brothers ultimately decided to end the season on the more normal cliffhanger that eventually led to the revelation of the season finale in the following year, according to Moviefan .The fourth season is really splitting in two! At that point, we start to see new people, with a bunch of characters not even in the show anymore. And you gotta remember, too, when we're writing this story, there's six seasons of the show, not four, and when we're writing the episodes, we're writing them with season 6 in mind, even if they don't air until next year, and we have to make sure that it feels like they're... I'm not sure what it feels like. The story flows in all the right ways.