Super Seniors Movement Recovery & Nutrition

BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour


 Grandpa Bill s Workouts for Geriatrics, AKA, Silver Streakers Continues today talking about

Super Seniors- Movement Recovery & Nutrition

Any exercise is better than doing nothing-We should be training to be somewhere in the middle of our muscular capabilities-a full-body dynamic stretch workout that’s slow, safe and doesn’t stress any joints. It can be done in 22 minutes. You’re not putting any weight on your wrist, you’re not holding a pose, you’re always in motion. We're trying to never stop moving.

recent study found that men and women in their 70s who exercise regularly have the heart, lung and muscle fitness of healthy people 30 years younger.

I do huge sweeping movements while standing that pump blood through the body. I work big body parts and little body parts. The focus is on lengthening muscles.Studies show that even people who start exercising in their 80s and 90s experience health and longevity benefits. A study just published in the International Journal of Stroke, for instance, showed that those who became fit later in life (ages 40 to 59) cut their risk of a potentially deadly stroke in half, while those who had been fit when younger and became unfit doubled their risk.

Grandpa Bill asks:

Are you going to make an effort for the rest of your life to do some exercise to keep the muscle cells from atrophying prematurely?”

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