Lyrics Analysis (in Eng.)漂向北方(Piāo xiàng běifāng), Stranger In the North, sung by 黃明志 Namewee Ft. 王力宏Wang Leehom

Mandarin Meta 華(汉)語元宇宙


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The song was released in 2016, sung by 黃明志 Namewee Ft. 王力宏Wang Leehom. This song tells the story of non-Beijingers' experiences of drifting north and relocating themselves in Beijing. It has attracted much attention because there are a huge quantity of migrant workers working in Beijing but from other Chinese provinces.

The background for this song and its related social issues lies in Beipiao(北漂, the Beijing drifters).

"Beipiao"(北漂) is a term in Chinese that refers to young migrant workers who move from their hometowns to Beijing, the capital of PRC China, in search of job opportunities and a better life.

The term "Beipiao" comes from the Chinese characters for "north" and "drift," and is often used to describe the difficult and uncertain lives of these young people in Beijing. They often face long working hours, low pay, high living costs, and limited social mobility. Many of them live in cramped conditions and struggle to make ends meet.

Despite difficulties and pressures of daily lives in Beijing, the Beipiao group makes countless stories in this city, and their unique lifestyle and struggles continue to attract attention and interest from both Chinese and international audiences.

The full lyrics of this song with English translation will be in URL below:
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