Rape 2 Time Survivor Anissa Hudak

BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour


Grandpa Bill welcomes 2 time rape survivor and Yoga Therapy C-IAYT,  RYT 500,  and Reiki Master. Much more over at my BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour on Spotify Grandpa Bill Asks Have You Been a Survivor of Rape? Leave YOUR RESPONSES AT MY ANCHOR RADIO SHOW BH SALES MESSAGE BOARD What You Need To Know + Podcast Flow Talking todays new world of challenges through the prism of food for the Mind, Body, and Soul! About The Audience (Who Guests Are Talking To) The lion share of my audience are like minded individuals and intuitive of all ages. I am most prevalent within my own age bracket, a proud senior citizen, but I do have good analytical data within other age groups too. Today in a very short while , I will be welcoming my in studio guest # Anissa Hudak she will discuss with me a range of topics What is the difference between yoga and yoga therapy? What is the science behind it? How does it work? How is yoga therapy different from other modalities? Who will yoga therapy help? How long does it take to see results? Is this done in a class setting or one-on-one session? How are you doing classes? How much do they cost? Are you a licensed therapist? What kind of training and credentials do you have? What is PTSD? How do people get it? #Yoga, #Yoga Therapy,#Bereaved Parent,#Military Spouse,#Health & Fitness,#Trauma Recovery,#Women Empowerment,#Mental Health,#Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD,#Sexual Violence,
