【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I can’t find my stapler. (職場關係)我找不到我的釘書機阿~~~



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M: I can’t find my stapler!
W: Did you look into the drawer?
M: Yes, I did. I found my paper clips, glue, and tape…everything except my stapler.
W: Did you look under those folders on your desk?
M: No I didn’t. Oh! It’s right here! I found my stapler at last!
W: Remember to put your stuff orderly, so that you wouldn’t lose them again!

1. stapler [ˋsteplɚ] (n.) 釘書機
2. drawer [ˋdrɔɚ] (n.) 抽屜
3. paper clip [ˋpepɚ klɪp] (n.) 迴紋針
4. tape [tep] (n.) 膠帶
5. folder [ˋfoldɚ] (n.) 文書夾;資料夾
6. stuff [stʌf] (n.) 物品,東西
7. orderly [ˋɔrdɚlɪ] (adv.) 整齊地,有條理地


  • can’t... + V 原


  • I can’t find my stapler. (我找不到我的釘書機。)
  • can’t = can not。


  1. I can’t find my car.
  2. I can’t hear your voice.

A:Can you hear my voice?
B:____________________ . (答案在下方唷)

💯《Answer Key》: No, I can’t hear you.  
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