Grandpa Bill attempted to include the below video, as an audio background didn't pan out. However, the Marcel Marceau-
Grandpa Bill Mime Version did I recapped my own love, and former business, support of animals forever.. Join me
A few of the wise words that Grandma shared:
Like the beaver, be proactive and plan ahead for physical, emotional and spiritual safety.
Creator and nature’s timeframe is much longer than ours and is not one of immediate gratification.
Paws like the fox to do less and be more.
Work with community (like the geese in formation, the beaver lodge and the pack of wolves)– everyone has a place in the circle.
Only take what you need and leave the rest to maintain balance.
The elephant teaches us compassion and and skunk teaches respect.
Click/tap here if you would like to become part of the Conscious Animal Lover Movement (C.A.L.M) course from Dr. Allen Schoen.
Click/tap here if you want to learn more about Holistic Actions! - online educational platform for pet guardians. At HA! we share ways to take care of your pets holistically with a Positive and Practical Veterinary Spirituality that integrates modern science and ancient indigenous wisdom.,#wellness,#animals,#animal health,#animals,#dogs,#cats,#horses,#birds,#bears,#bees,,#native tribes,Nature,#Ariel,
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