🌙Sleep Music⭐️睡眠音樂#12⭐️乘著藍鯨遨翔在美夢國度⭐️Fly in the Land of Dreams with a blue whale🎵2小時放鬆的睡眠音樂🎵

Sleep睡前音樂故事 | Bedtime Music & Stories


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Soaring in the land of dreams on a blue whale, the gentle melody makes you feel relaxed and calm when you fall asleep, allowing your body to gradually enter a state of deep relaxation, reducing stress and eliminating anxiety, which in turn helps to improve sleep quality. With this music image video, let you soar like a blue whale and slowly fall asleep. Make your sleep habits more rhythmic, promote a virtuous sleep cycle, and then improve sleep problems. This sleep concert offers you a healing and pleasant sleep quality.


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