Episode 46 | 传说中的互联网大厂 The mysterious Chinese Internet Unicorns

瞎扯学中文 Convo Chinese


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In this episode, I am joined by Yuna (again) to talk about her experience and observations in the so-called "Internet Factories" in China, such as Baidu, Tiktok, Meituan or Alibaba!

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研究生 yán​jiū​shēng | graduate student  
从头到尾 cóng​tóu​dào​wěi | from start to finish  
征婚 zhēng​hūn | seeking marriage  
突出 tū​chū | prominent or outstanding  
互联网 Hù​lián​wǎng | internet  
熟悉 shú​xī | familiar  
生产企业 shēng​chǎn qǐ​yè | manufacturing company  
织布 zhī​bù | weaving fabric  
流水线 liú​shuǐ​xiàn | assembly line  
一连串 yī​lián​chuàn | a series of  
富士康 Fù​shì​kāng | Foxconn  
传统 chuán​tǒng | traditional  
腾讯 Téng​xùn | Tencent  
美团 měi tuán | group buying platform  
阿里 A​lǐ | Alibaba  
百度 Bǎi​dù | Chinese search engine  
字节 zì​jié | byte  
滴滴 dī dī | ride-hailing platform  
搜索 sōu​suǒ | search engine  
引擎 yǐn​qíng | engine  
社交 shè​jiāo | social interaction  
属性 shǔ​xìng | social characteristics  
抖音 dǒu yīn | short video platform  
外卖 wài​mài | takeout or delivery  
团购 tuán​gòu | group buying  
收购 shōu​gòu | acquisition  
共享自行车 gòng​xiǎng zì​xíng​chē | bike sharing  
酒店 jiǔ​diàn | hotel  
机票 jī​piào | flight ticket  
打车 dǎ​chē | hail a taxi  
提到 tí​dào | mention  
母公司 mǔ​gōng​sī | parent company  
排名 pái​míng | ranking  
市值 shì zhí | market value  
广告收入 guǎng​gào shōu​rù | advertising revenue  
单纯 dān​chún | simple-minded, naive  
用户量 yòng​hù liàng | number of users  
听证会 tīng​zhèng​huì | hearing  
火 huǒ | popular, trendy  
娱乐时间 yú​lè shí​jiān | leisure time  
刷 shuā | browse or scroll  
视频 shì​pín | video content  
针对性 zhēn​duì​xìng | targeted or specific  
大厂 Dà​chǎng | factory  
真的没有 zhēn de méi​yǒu | really not there  
压力 yā​lì | stress or pressure  
工作时长 gōng​zuò shí zhǎng | work duration  
制定 zhì​dìng | establish or formulate  
下一个阶段 xià yí gè jiē​duàn | next stage  
约谈 yuē tán | interview or questioning  
提更高的要求 tí gèng gāo de yāo​qiú | raise higher requirements  
复盘 fù pán | review and analyze work  
考核 kǎo​hé | performance evaluation or assessment  
机制 jī​zhì | mechanism or system  
炒鱿鱼 chǎo​yóu​yú | get fired  
绩效 jì​xiào | performance evaluation  
末尾 mò​wěi | end or tail  
末位淘汰制 mò wèi táo​tài zhì | elimination of last place  
劝退 quàn​tuì | discourage from pursuing  
计算机专业 jì​suàn​jī zhuān​yè | computer major  
研发 yán​fā | research and development  
运营 yùn​yíng | operations  
写代码 xiě dài​mǎ | write code  
引导 yǐn​dǎo | guide or lead  
分析 fēn​xī | analyze  
挖掘 wā​jué | explore, analyze  
岗位 gǎng​wèi | position or job  
通俗易懂 tōng​sú​yì​dǒng | easily understandable  
岗位 gǎng​wèi | position or job  
家装 jiā zhuāng | home decoration  
战略 zhàn​lüè | strategy  
家居饰品 jiā​jū shì​pǐn | home decor items  
偏僻 piān​pì | remote or secluded  
招聘 zhāo​pìn | hiring  
应届生 yīng​jiè shēng | recent graduate  
流程 liú​chéng | process or procedure  
竞争很激烈 jìng​zhēng hěn jī​liè | intense competition  
垂类 chuí lèi | specialized industry categories  
涉及到 shè​jí dào | involve, include  
卡得很严 kǎ de hěn yán | strict control  
专有名词 zhuān​yǒu​míng​cí | proper noun  
对齐 duì​qí | align  
跨部门 kuà bù​mén | cross-department  
沟通成本 gōu​tōng chéng​běn | communication cost  
实习 shí​xí | internship  
招人 zhāo rén | hiring  
转正 zhuǎn​zhèng | regularization  
新人 xīn​rén | newcomer  
明文规定 míng​wén​guī​dìng | explicit regulations  
照搬 zhào​bān | blindly copy or imitate  
抱怨 bào​yuàn | complain  
中英夹杂 zhōng yīng jiā​zá | mixed use of Chinese and English  
职场 zhí​chǎng | workplace  
拗口 ào​kǒu | hard to pronounce  
码农 mǎ nóng | software engineer  
萦绕 yíng​rào | linger, persist  
格子衫 gé​zi shān | plaid shirt  
打扮 dǎ​ban | dress up, style  
硅谷 Guī​gǔ | Silicon Valley  
乒乓球 pīng​pāng​qiú | table tennis  
福利设施 fú​lì shè​shī | welfare facilities  
健身房 jiàn​shēn​fáng | gym  
按摩 àn​mó | massage  
台球 tái​qiú | billiards  
摸鱼 mō​yú | slacking off at work  
抢不到 qiǎng bù​dào | unable to grab  
展示 zhǎn​shì | display or presentation  
看你外表 kàn nǐ wài​biǎo | judge based on appearance  
金融行业 jīn​róng háng​yè | financial industry  
仪表 yí​biǎo | appearance or demeanor  
人字拖 rén​zì​tuō | flip-flops  
睡衣 shuì​yī | sleepwear  
染头发 rǎn tóu​fa | dyeing hair  
纹身 wén​shēn | tattoo  
看人 kàn rén | judge people's character  
换一茬 huàn yì chá | change of generation  
流动性 liú​dòng​xìng | liquidity  
淘汰 táo​tài | eliminate, phase out  
限制 xiàn​zhì | restrict, limit  
氛围 fēn​wéi | atmosphere  
发挥 fā​huī | unleash one's potential  
空间 kōng​jiān | null  
金饭碗 jīn​fàn​wǎn | secure and stable job  
躺平 tǎng píng | lay flat  
争论 zhēng​lùn | debate or argument  
政府 zhèng​fǔ | government  
公务员 gōng​wù​yuán | government employee  
卷 juǎn | roll  
财富自由 cái​fù zì​yóu | financial independence  
这一波 zhè yì bō | this wave  
中美关系 Zhōng​Měi guān​xi | US-China relations  
摩擦 mó​cā | friction  
裁员 cái​yuán | layoffs  
财务梦想 cái​wù mèng​xiǎng | financial dreams  
升职加薪 shēng​zhí jiā​xīn | promotion and salary increase  
岌岌可危 jí​jí​kě​wēi | precarious or on the brink  
合成 hé​chéng | synthesize  
多元 duō​yuán | diverse or multiple  
理发 lǐ​fà | hairdressing  
