The Mindset of Money金錢的心態



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The Mindset of Money金錢的心態
     A mindset (心態) is a lens through which we view the world. Mindsets are comprised of beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes that inform our thoughts and decisions. Therefore, cultivating a healthy wealth mindset helps us stick to our financial goals, and find ways to increase our earning potential. First of all, the law of attraction states that like attracts like. That is, our thoughts and actions attract similar thoughts and actions. If we have positive thoughts, positive things will happen. If we think about creating wealth, we will bring more wealth into our life. We have to constantly say, “I am rich.” “I am good enough.” “I can succeed.” Secondly, rich people always possess a certain mindset that sets them apart from average persons. They have a clear vision and set specific goals. They have a sense of purpose and direction in their lives. They understand the basics of finance, budgeting, and investing. They know how to manage their money and make it work for them. They are surrounded by successful people who can provide guidance, support, and new opportunities. They acknowledge the power of networking and building relationships. Thirdly, rich people believe in the power of their own abilities. They can overcome adversities and maintain a sense of optimism. They are persistent, and don’t give up easily. They realize that success is not a destination but a journey, and they are willing to put time and effort to reach their goals. They are decisive and able to make decisions quickly. At last, rich people are characterized by ambition, discipline, hard work, desires to improve themselves, and a willingness to take risks.
Everyone has a mindset about money and wealth. In order to achieve our financial and life goals, it is important to adopt a healthy and positive wealth mindset. A positive wealth mindset doesn’t happen overnight. It should keep an open and flexible way of thinking over time, a good sense of discipline, grace in dealing with uncertainty, and the ability to stay committed to our goals.
Here are 5 valuable ways to transform our thinking, and start our journey towards building wealth: The first step is to think about becoming financially successful. We practice building a mindset through daily affirmations where we want to be financially successful. No. 2, whatever our motivation, we make a list of what we want to do with our money. No. 3, we have to be grateful for what we have. Gratitude and affirmations help reinforce a feeling of contentment. To create a positive wealth mindset, it’s important to continuously be mindful of what we have. No. 4, we create our broad vision. For example, if we want to buy a house, we paste a picture of our dream home in our mind. No. 5, we need to keep on learning. The more we know about managing our money, the more informed our financial decisions will be.
If we want to be keen on significantly improving our financial situation, we should start by working on our attitudes, habits and knowledge about finances. In the world we live in today, money is definitely a powerful tool, but choosing to chase it often comes at the price of being able to do we love and look forward to it every day. Being passionate is directly linked of being productive. If it really is something we’re passionate about, there is a sense of being content with what we have. The by-product will be something that we take pride in. It goes without saying that we feel fulfilled when we work on something meaningful to us.
Money is an item or medium of exchange that is accepted by people for the payment of goods and services. It also conveys status, fame, power, intelligence, and other things to people with it. But, in reality, money is just a tool that can create opportunities for people who use it correctly. It enables us to travel, buy necessities, invest in others, and build bridges to new ideas.  We hold the power to define the meaning of money in our lives. It reflects our beliefs and values. If we feel more comfortable when we have money, it’s security. If money allows us to take care of family, it’s love. If it allows us to be active in our communities, it’s service and impact. If it helps us achieve well-being, it’s power. With the right mindset, we can give money meanings by using it as a tool to help us live well. The real power in money is in the power of choice. In other words, money shouldn’t control us or our thoughts. Instead, we learn to control money, and let it have a positive effect on our life. 
