【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】What is the primary purpose? 主要目的是甚麼?



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M: Ok. Let me report to everyone when and where we are going on the business trip.
W: So where are we going this time?
M: We are going to Washington, D.C. next Monday.
W: What is the primary purpose for this business trip?
M: The primary purpose for this business trip is to inspect our branch stores.
W: So we have to disguise ourselves?
M: Yes, we have to. It’s better to inspect their service as customers.

1. report [rɪ'pɔrt] (v.) 報告
2. Washington, D.C. [wɑʃɪŋtəṇ di si] (n.) 華盛頓(美國首都)
3. primary ['praɪmɛrɪ] (adj.) 首要的
4. purpose ['pɝpəs] (n.) 目的
5. inspect [ɪn'spɛkt] (v.) 審查
6. branch store [bræntʃ stɔr] (n.) 分店
7. disguise [dɪs'gaɪz] (v.) 偽裝


  • What is the primary purpose for...?
  • 《Note》 What is the primary purpose for this business trip? (這次商務旅遊的主要目的為何?)
  • 《Examples》
  1. 1What is the primary purpose for this project?
  2. What is the primary purpose for next season’s plan?

A: _____________________?
B: The primary purpose for this business trip is to observe how our branch stores are doing.

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