Ep. 42: On EVERYPHONE EVERYWHERE w/ Director Amos WHY (黃浩然)2/2 [Cantonese]

The Hong Kong On Screen Podcast


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銀幕·香港於9月30在Starlight Whittier Village Cinemas 上映黃浩然導演的最新作品《全個世界都有電話》。詳情請看:https://www.hkonscreen.org/news/202309-everyphone-everywhere

在這一集podcast, 導演說了劇本的靈感是從來、角色是如何找到、每一個角色的性格是如何定義、為何喜歡用獨立唱作人的作品為電影的配樂呢?

"Hong Kong On Screen" premiered director Wong Ho-yan's latest work 'Everyphone Everywhere' at Starlight Whittier Village Cinemas on September 30. For more details, please visit: https://www.hkonscreen.org/news/202309-everyphone-everywhere

In this podcast episode, the director talked about where the script's inspiration came from, how the characters were found, how each character's personality was defined, and why he chose to use the work of independent singer-songwriters as the film's soundtrack.

The Hong Kong On Screen Podcast is a podcast about Hong Kong Cinema. The HKOS Podcast is hosted by Hong Kongers. You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also email us at info@hkonscreen.org.

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