Every business in the thriving mobile gaming industry aims to attract players, keep them interested, and convert them into devoted, paying customers. Such a procedure has traditionally been a major league game that only the biggest players could afford. Bubbleye, a rapidly expanding AI startup formed up of AI professionals and devotees of mobile gaming, has already helped some of the world's best gaming companies. Now, they are extending their services to a wider spectrum of enterprises, including startups.
In this episode, we're joined by Stefano N. Roncari, co-founder and CEO of Bubbleye, to talk about how the business leverages its AI-driven algorithms to find the most affordable ad placements and increase user acquisition for mobile applications. Also, how Stefano purposefully chose Taiwan as the location of Bubbleye's headquarters given the nation's accessibility to technological talent, startup-friendly environment, and support from the government.
In this episode of Startup Island Taiwan Podcast, you will find out:
☛ In Stefano's opinion, what is the most common mistake concerning user acquisition
☛ With the help of Bubbleye, startups can take control of the creative aspects of their advertisements rather than solely depend on data
☛ Bubbleye is opening up a wealth of opportunities for startups in the rapidly evolving gaming market
☛ The decision to establish R&D headquarters in Taiwan stems from several factors: wealth of technical talent and local government support
Host: Asianometry, deep tech channel with 545k followers, still growing
Guest: Stefano N. Roncari, Co-founder & CEO of Bubbleye
Powered by Startup Island TAIWAN
Directed by National Development Council
Produced by Meet Global by Business Next Media
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