Episode 49 | 祝我生日快乐 Happy birthday to me !

瞎扯学中文 Convo Chinese


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音译 yīn​yì | transliteration
奇怪 qí​guài | strange or odd
取名字 qǔ​míng zì | choose a name
罗马 Luó​mǎ | Rome
学院 xué​yuàn | college or academy
孔子 Kǒng​zǐ | Confucius
理科 lǐ​kē | science
夏令营 xià​lìng​yíng | summer camp
远高于 yuǎn gāo​yú | far higher than
词汇量 cí​huì liàng | vocabulary size
勇敢 yǒng​gǎn | brave
好笑 hǎo​xiào | funny
哪怕 nǎ​pà | even if
工作环境 gōng​zuò huán​jìng | work environment
自信 zì​xìn | self-assured, confident
过了生日 guò le shēng​rì | celebrated birthday
传统 chuán​tǒng | tradition
庆祝 qìng​zhù | celebrate
喝一杯酒 hē yì bēi jiǔ | have a drink
蛋糕 dàn​gāo | cake
礼物 lǐ​wù | gift
大餐 dà​cān | feast
蜡烛 là​zhú | candle
吹 chuī | blow
邀请 yāo​qǐng | invite
安排 ān​pái | arrange or plan
流行 liú​xíng | popular
真人 zhēn​rén | real person
红包 hóng​bāo | monetary gift during special occasions
送钱 sòng qián | give money
亲戚 qīn​qi | relatives
特定的词 tè​dìng de cí | specific terms
搞不清楚 gǎo bù​qīng​chu | uncertain/confused
难忘 nán​wàng | unforgettable
有意思 yǒu​yì​si | interesting
外套 wài​tào | jacket
徒步 tú​bù | hiking
专业 zhuān​yè | professional
花了心思 huā le xīn​si | put in effort
极简主义 jí jiǎn zhǔ​yì | minimalism
装饰品 zhuāng​shì​pǐn | decorative item
无欲无求 wú yù wú qiú | contentment
即兴喜剧 jí​xìng xǐ​jù | improv comedy
拼起来 pīn qǐ​lai | put together
煮 zhǔ | cook
鸡蛋 jī​dàn | egg
装饰 zhuāng​shì | decoration
惊喜 jīng​xǐ | surprise
环节 huán​jié | segment or step
体现 tǐ​xiàn | embody, demonstrate
靴子 xuē​zi | boots
购物车 gòu​wù​chē | shopping cart
淘宝 táo bǎo | online shopping platform
这两年 zhè liǎng nián | past two years
体验 tǐ​yàn | experience
按摩 àn​mó | massage
电影票 diàn​yǐng​piào | movie ticket
点了外卖 diǎn le wài​mài | ordered takeout
连续 lián​xù | consecutive, continuous
牺牲 xī​shēng | sacrifice
中餐 Zhōng​cān | Chinese takeout food
爽 shuǎng | satisfying, enjoyable
习惯 xí​guàn | habit or custom
奶油 nǎi​yóu | cream
甜品 tián​pǐn | dessert
长寿 Cháng​shòu | longevity
周到 zhōu​dào | thoughtful, considerate
习俗 xí​sú | custom or tradition
疑惑 yí​huò | confusion or perplexity
解答 jiě​dá | answer
调子 diào​zi | tone or melody
