生活的再現Representation of Life



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生活的再現Representation of Life
     現今的報導文學,是一種「再現」的文類。「再現 (representation, rebirth)」是西方的用語,簡單地說,就是把我們所見到的真實,透過文字,重新將它表現出來。事實上,過去的就過去了,包括相機,都沒辦法讓它回復,例如,剛剛拍的照片,照片裡的笑容,是那當下的笑容,我們用照片把它留下來,照片就是一個「再現」。「再現」不是事實,因為那已是前兩秒鐘的事了,而現在的它,也不是之前的它。我們認為人生所看到的事情,眼見為憑,是事實,其實,那都不是真的,連千真萬確的事,也都不是真的,因為那是「再現」的結果。一個作家,用文字表達某種感覺,我們覺得很感動,但那不是真的。一朵花,我們用寫的,入詩,報導它,可它都已不是原來的花了。
    英國模特兒 Daphne Selfe,現年95歲,是時尚界最長壽的模特兒之一。她所有關於健康長壽的建議都圍繞著:照顧好自己。她在《Vogue》雜誌上,常常分享真正美麗的魅力。達芙妮·塞爾夫有一頭長長的白髮,和甜美的笑容,她於1928年出生於倫敦,21歲開始模特兒生涯。此後,她擔任藝術家,和最著名的時尚品牌模特兒。當她與戲劇和電視製片人吉姆·史密斯結婚後,決定中斷自己的職業生涯,全心投入照顧家人和三個孩子。1998年,70歲的她,因丈夫長期患病去世,決定重返舞台,成為時尚界最年長、最精彩的模特兒之一。她參加許多活動、登上《Vogue》雜誌、為 Dolce & Gabbana 品牌拍攝廣告,並環遊世界。2018年,她還擔任英國品牌Eyeko的美容代言人。現年95歲的達芙妮,對自己、自己的歲月和皺紋感到自豪,這是真實的美的象徵,越來越多的女性,也都希望在優雅地衰老過程中追求美。達芙妮接受《每日電訊報》的採訪,透露她對健康長壽的建議,她將自己的健康和活力,歸功於良好的習慣,例如,對良好的飲食和鍛煉,她說:「我喜歡喝一杯香檳。」「我們應該多吃蔬菜,例如青花椰菜等,它們是我的最愛,我也會在家裡的花園裡種植它們。」達芙妮使用「妮維雅」護膚。對於臉部和身體,她說「妮維雅」的配方很簡單,主要是保濕和滋養。她最喜歡的事情之一,是在露天散步,一邊曬太陽,一邊補充維生素D。最後,為了生活得好、活得長久,她說我們要有社交生活,有與人分享聊天和樂趣的時刻。「我喜歡和朋友聚在一起,即使只是喝杯咖啡;我喜歡在家裡舉辦派對。」除了模特兒的生涯外,達芙妮還參演詹姆斯·龐德的電影,並撰寫《我們的穿著方式:衣著人生》一書,記錄她漫長的職業生涯。
     One symbol of representation for a meaningful life is often used to a tree. The tree represents growth, strength, and resilience, which are all important aspects of a meaningful life. The roots of the tree represent the foundation of values and beliefs that a person holds. The trunk of the tree represents the journey of life, and the many challenges that come with it. The branches represent the different paths that a person can take, the opportunities and the different directions that a person can grow in. The leaves and fruits of the tree represent the accomplishments, the achievements and the joys that come with a meaningful life. Another symbol of representation that is often used is the circle. The circle represents the idea of completion, wholeness, and unity, which are all vital aspects of a meaningful life. The circle also represents the idea of continuity that life is always moving forward, and that there is no end to the journey. Additionally, many people find representation of life in the act of helping others, and making a positive impact on the world.
     Furthermore, representation of positive aging is about making the benefits of being old, and keeping a good attitude about life. It is also about keeping a positive mindset in any other phases of life, regardless of challenges or opportunities. This representation of positive aging covers the full spectrum of experiences including health, independence, financial security, self-fulfillment, personal safety, and living environments. As we get older, we will experience lots of changes that may be challenging to accept. We may have difficulties with transitioning positions out of work, requiring new living arrangements, and changes of concepts in our social networks. Being adaptable and embracing these changes will help us take advantage of what we can do, and have the representation of life. As well as learning to adapt the changes, healthy aging does mean finding new things we enjoy, staying physically and socially active, and feeling connected to our community and loved ones. Many things in life are beyond our control. Rather than stressing out over them, we have to focus on the right things and solve the problems as much as possible. As the saying goes, “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” When facing major challenges, we must look at them as opportunities for personal growth. Besides, we have to know that laughter is strong medicine for both the body and the mind. It helps us stay balanced, energetic, joyful, and healthy at any age. That is, sense of humor helps us get through tough times, look outside ourselves, laugh at the absurdities of life, and transcend difficulties. We, too, should learn something new, such as an instrument, a foreign language, a new game, or a new sport. It goes without saying that learning new activities not only adds meaning and joy to life, but also maintains our brain health. Community work can also be a great way of utilizing the skills without the commitment or stress of regular employment. We, then, travel somewhere new or go on a weekend trip to a place we’ve never visited. We could spend time in nature, take a scenic hike, go fishing or camping, enjoy a ski trip, or walk a dog in the park. We, thus, can be able to enjoy the arts, visit a museum, go to a concert or a play, join a book group, or take an art appreciation class. The possibilities are endless. The important thing for representation of life is to find activities that are both meaningful and enjoyable. It is, by all means, crucial to reach out and connect to others, too. We would do our best to connect regularly with friends and family members. It may be a neighbor who we like to exercise with, a lunch date with an old friend, shopping with our children, or playing with our grandkids. Even if we are not close by, we can still call or email our friends frequently to keep the relationships fresh. Younger friends can, definitely, reenergize us to see life from fresh perspectives. These are all our representation of life right now.
