日日專心靠救主 ("Simply Trusting Every Day")

愛的凱歌 (Adore Him)


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Dear Listening Friends,

Welcome to our podcast program 愛的凱歌 Adore Him. My name is Judy.

My older sister and I were preparing to celebrate Mother’s Day two years ago. My sister had a brilliant idea of recording a Christian song we sing as a gift, along with a thank-you card, for our mother. At first, I hesitated for a few minutes as I didn't think I had a great voice, but I eventually decided to try anyway.

We chose a song called "Simply Trusting Every Day" from Anointing's album, Anointing Hymn 4, and recorded it. (Anointing Music and Ministry is a praise and worship team from South Korea.) Today, we would like to share this song with you.

"Simply Trusting Every Day" or "Trusting Jesus" was originally written by Edgar Page Stites (1836-1921) and composed by Ira David Sankey (1840-1908). Sankey once shared the story of the birth of this hymn. The story is about how, in 1876, a man cut a piece of paper in which he read Stites's poem. Then he handed it to D.L. Moody in Chicago, and Moody transferred it to Sankey, asking for its music composition. Sankey replied that he would do it if Moody testified to the teaching of Stites' poem." Later, "Simply Trusting Every Day" was shown in Gospel Hymns II, published in 1876.

Throughout his poem, Stites repeated the phrase "Trusting Jesus, that is all" to highlight that no matter what kind of storms are ahead of us, whether in peace or distress, our single focus is "Trusting Jesus, that is all." Furthermore, in stanzas three and four, using the image of the pilgrim with a plea for the Holy Spirit's guide in prayers, Stites reminded and encouraged us to keep pressing forward with the single heart of "Trusting Jesus, that is all" until the day when we are back our heavenly home.

Anointing ( or Anointing Music and Ministry) added some words to Stites's poem and created a new composition tune for the words in 2020. They gave this arranged song, titled "어려운 일 당할 때 (Simply Trusting Every Day)," and as mentioned before, it was the song my sister and I recorded as a gift for our mother two years ago.

The Bible says, "And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession—to the praise of his glory." (Ephesians 1:13-14) What an amazing promise God has given us! Let us put our trust in the Lord (Psalm 37:3) until the day we return to our heavenly home, for He remains faithful forever. 

Thank you for listening to our program, and we hope you enjoy the song and are blessed by its message.

❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: https://open.firstory.me/story/clrq2cwjl01k401v51igm6r6f?m=comment
❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: https://he-is-the-one-we-adore.firstory.io/

Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌(Adore Him),我是Judy。

兩年前預備慶祝母親節時,姊姊和我商量,是否兩人合作,唱一首詩歌,錄製成一個音檔,加上一張卡片,作為送給媽媽的母親節禮物。當聽到這個很棒的主意時,因為覺得自己實在沒有好的歌聲,心裡稍微猶豫了一下。但終究,我們真的嘗試這麼做。正好那陣子,韓國敬拜團Anointing 發行新專輯Anointing Hymn 4,在其中我們選了改編自聖詩「日日專心靠救主」的詩歌,作為要唱歌錄音後送給媽媽的禮物。(附註1)

「日日專心靠救主」這首聖詩的詩詞作者是艾德格.斯泰慈(Edgar Page Stites, 1836-1921);作曲者是散基(Ira David Sankey, 1840-1908)。散基曾經分享他譜寫這首聖詩旋律的經過:「…那時是1876年在芝加哥,有個人在報紙上讀到了斯泰慈寫的詩,於是把那首詩剪下來,然後交給了穆迪(D. L. Moody)。而穆迪又轉交在我手中,同時希望我為這首詩譜寫曲子。我答應作曲,但條件是穆迪要為詩詞中所教導的內容作見證。Moody立刻答應。」不久,這首聖詩在1876年出版的Gospel Hymns II 中首次出現。(附註2)

「日日專心靠救主」英文的標題為“Simply Trusting Every Day”或者是“Trusting Jesus”。這首聖詩的曲調,有些人可能很熟悉,我彈給大家聽聽看。…… 

「日日專心靠救主」共四節歌詞,每一節歌詞的最後一句話,以及副歌的最後一句話,都以“Trusting Jesus, that is all” 作為每個段落的結尾。斯泰慈在詩詞中強調,無論人生遇到何種風暴,一切惟獨倚靠主耶穌;無論順境或逆境,一切惟獨倚靠主耶穌。接著,斯泰慈以我們是天路客的形象繼續強調:在世上我們是客旅,當求告聖靈的光照和引導,而基督耶穌的靈將充滿我們,何等的榮耀!我們只要單單倚靠主耶穌。最後,斯泰慈提醒與鼓勵我們:在世上我們是客旅,直到離世進入天城,都當記得:「一切惟獨倚靠主耶穌」(“Trusting Jesus, that is all”)。

2020年,Anointing 敬拜團在斯泰慈詩詞的基礎上,加上一段新的詩詞創作,並且重新為這首聖詩譜寫新的曲調。今天要和大家分享的詩歌正是兩年前和姊姊一起錄製,由Anointing 改編的「日日專心靠救主」。

聖經以弗所書1:13 -14說到:「你們既然聽見真理的道,就是那叫你們得救的福音,也信了基督,既然信他,就受了所應許的聖靈為印記。這聖靈是我們得基業的憑據(原文作:質),直等到神之民(原文作:產業)被贖,使他的榮耀得著稱讚。」這是何等美好的應許!讓我們天天「以神的信實為米糧」(詩篇37:3)凡事交託,“Trusting Jesus, that is all.” 

附註1: https://anointingmusic.com/
附註2: 參照 林列。《聖詩合參》。香港:基督教文藝出版社,1991, 1993。

✏️ Anointing's「日日專心靠救主」 ( "어려운 일 당할 때 Simply Trusting Every Day”)

🎼 Words by E. P. Stites and 한경숙; Music by 채푸른
🎼 Vocals: Vivien Lin as Soprano and Judy Lin as Alto 
🎹 中文詩詞翻譯:參照 Google翻譯 & 以琳基督徒中心聖樂組編輯。《讚美》。台北:以琳,1985。
🎹 MR for 어려운 일 당할 때 Simply Trusting Everyday (Piano & Vocal ver.) | Anointing Hymns, 
purchased from anointingmusic.com (shop)

Verse 1
Verse 2

Verse 3
Verse 4

(第二部人聲:嗚 ~         啊~嗚~)
(主是~ 嗚  ~ 路上光)


✏️ 背景音樂 (Background Music):주가 일하시네 (主正在行奇事)
Words and Music: 이혁진 (李赫鎭)
Performed by Judy Lin
✏️ 封面照片(Cover Photo): Judy Lin

❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: https://he-is-the-one-we-adore.firstory.io/
❤️ 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clpko33470143010vfumkgdhr/comments
