國際時事跟讀 Ep.K743: 財務獨立策略:提早退休倡導者的建議 Financial Independence Strategies: Tips from Early Retirement Advocates

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國際時事跟讀 Ep.K743: Financial Independence Strategies: Tips from Early Retirement Advocates

Highlights 主題摘要:

  • Savings Rate Crucial in FIRE: Achieving a 50% savings rate, as advocated by FIRE experts, is fundamental for financial independence and a comfortable early retirement within a decade.
  • Cost Reduction and Lifestyle Sacrifices: Successful FIRE adherents emphasize the importance of lowering living costs and making lifestyle sacrifices to boost savings and accelerate financial goals.
  • Coast FIRE as a Balanced Alternative: Coast FIRE offers a less intense approach to early retirement, allowing for a more gradual savings journey, reducing the need for extreme measures while still ensuring financial security.

Achieving financial independence and early retirement may seem like an unattainable dream for many, but advocates of the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement are proving it's possible. This movement is centered around managing money efficiently to attain financial freedom sooner rather than later. At a CNBC Financial Advisor Summit, two experts, Grant Sabatier and Alex Trias, shared their insights on saving more, reducing living costs, and increasing income to reach early retirement goals.
對許多人來說,實現財務獨立和提前退休似乎是一個遙不可及的夢想,但財務獨立、提前退休(FIRE, Financial Independence, Retire Early)運動的倡導者正在證明這是可能的。這個運動的核心理念是通過有效管理金錢,早日實現財務自由。在CNBC的金融顧問會議上,兩位專家Grant Sabatier和Alex Trias分享了他們對提高儲蓄、降低生活成本和增加收入,以實現提期退休目標的見解。

Boosting your savings rate is a fundamental principle of the FIRE movement. While the average savings rate in the U.S. is around 2% to 5%, Sabatier emphasizes that saving about 50% of your income can lead to financial independence in 10 years or less. He shares his personal experience of saving up to 82% of his income between 2010 and 2015, allowing his investments to compound and grow substantially. Sabatier suggests that a higher savings rate is key to securing a comfortable early retirement.

Reducing the cost of living is another crucial aspect. Sabatier and Trias both made sacrifices to achieve a high savings rate. Sabatier moved to a more affordable apartment and opted for a used car, living frugally in his mid-20s. Trias took it a step further by relocating to Portugal, significantly cutting his living expenses. Lower property taxes and reduced healthcare costs abroad contributed to his financial success.

Increasing your income is the third pillar of the FIRE strategy. Sabatier highlights that while he initially needed $23,000 per year to live on, earning more than $250,000 per year accelerated his savings. Side hustles, online businesses, and various income streams helped both experts achieve their financial goals. They acknowledge that the FIRE lifestyle requires sacrifices and risks, emphasizing the importance of evaluating whether the trade-offs are worth the pursuit of early retirement.

In conclusion, the FIRE movement offers valuable lessons from those who have successfully achieved financial independence and early retirement. By implementing strategies such as boosting savings, reducing living costs, and increasing income, individuals can take steps toward their own financial freedom.

Keyword Drills 關鍵字:

  1. Unattainable (Un-a-ttain-a-ble): Achieving financial independence and early retirement may seem like an unattainable dream for many.
  2. Substantially (Sub-stan-tial-ly): Sabatier shares his personal experience of saving up to 82% of his income between 2010 and 2015, allowing his investments to compound and grow substantially.
  3. Sacrifices (Sa-cri-fi-ces): Sabatier and Trias both made sacrifices to achieve a high savings rate.
  4. Individuals (In-di-vi-du-als): By implementing strategies such as boosting savings, reducing living costs, and increasing income, individuals can take steps toward their own financial freedom.
  5. Implementing (Im-ple-men-ting): In conclusion, the FIRE movement offers valuable lessons from those who have successfully achieved financial independence and early retirement by implementing strategies.

Reference article:
1. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/15/fire-experts-on-retiring-early-becoming-financially-independent.html
2. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/retirement-savings-millennials-coast-fire-140054192.html
