對味兒了Feeling Right



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對味兒了Feeling Right
     When asked about the source of his genius, Albert Einstein had no doubts. “I believe in intuitions and inspirations. I sometimes feel that I am right. “It was much better to trust those instincts and test them later than to dismiss them out of hand,” he said. We may recognize the sensation (感覺對味兒) ourselves. Whether we are looking at a new apartment, considering a possible new job or judging someone’s honesty, we may have an ineffable hunch (不可言喻的預感) when something is right or wrong without being able to articulate the reasons. That is our gut (直覺) instincts, a kind of mysterious “sixth sense.” In the past two decades, psychologists and neuroscientists have made enormous strides (邁大步) in identifying the sources of our gut instincts, and their essential role in our lives. Along the way, their research has identified the specific situations in which our intuition is likely to lead us down the right path that can help us all to make better decisions.
     The scientific understanding of intuition shows that our unconscious brain rifles (用步槍射擊) through its stored knowledge to find the best answer to our problems, without us consciously recalling the precise memories that power those feelings. That means people tend to be more accurate at judging someone’s honesty, if they are asked to go with their intuitions. The power of intuitive decision-making is especially important when we are processing a high volume of complex information that is too difficult to remember precisely. In this case, we can benefit from it to let the unconscious brain make the decision for us. According to Marlène Abadie, a cognitive psychologist at Aix-Marseille University in Southern France, the pause (暫停) allows the unconscious mind to form an accurate gist (要點) from the complex information that had been presented, which will in turn increase the accuracy of our intuitive judgement. This guidance is really useful in many similar scenarios in which we are forming our impressions after an information overload. She says, “It could be relevant whenever you have to choose between several consumer products that are described by several attributes (特性), a cell phone, a computer, a TV, a sofa, a fridge or an oven.” While shopping for these items, we can choose to go for a coffee and flick (輕彈) through a magazine before we make our final decision.
Moreover, according to the latest research, the quality of someone’s gut instincts depends on their overall emotional intelligence (EI情緒商數). And by learning to increase our EI, we may therefore strengthen our intuitive decision-making. That means if we want to fine-tune our intuition, then, we might first try to get in touch with our emotions more generally, carefully, and exactly that we are feeling. Over time, we could find it easier to discern when we are receiving a genuine and accurate signal. Our gut feelings will never be completely fool proof, but with practice, they can become an important guide.
    Hunch, instinct, deeper knowing are the gut feelings or the ability to immediately understand something without conscious reasoning. In other words, answers and solutions come to us, but we may not be aware of exactly why or how. In the age of big data, intuition is frequently dismissed as mystical or unreliable. Nevertheless, surveys of top executives show that a majority of leaders depend on feelings and experiences when handling crises. Even the US Navy has invested millions of dollars into helping sailors and Marines refine their sixth sense, precisely because intuition can supersede (接替) intellect in high-stakes (高風險的) situations like the battlefield. In our society, leaders always have stronger gut feelings than others. Their high sensitivity (敏感) contributes to perceiving, processing, and synthesizing information more deeply, including data about others’ emotional worlds. Intuition is like a muscle. It can be strengthened with intentional practice. Actually, intuition can pull energy, as if our choice is moving us toward our best interest, even if that means pursuing a risk or moving more slowly than others. Physically, gut feelings tend to cause our body to relax. With intuition, our inner voice is more grounded and wise, like a good mentor. By starting small, we let our overwhelming feelings take a rest a little while, and then, we gradually step our way up to larger, higher pressure decisions with greater self-trust. Besides, we have to constantly ask ourselves, “which action or decision brings us closer to our core values?” We need to take time and give our mind space to make connections between our core values (核心價值) and intuition. Intuition is not perfect. But, we’ll probably be surprised to find that our gut is a more powerful decision-making tool than we may have realized.  
