用進廢退Use or Lose It



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用進廢退Use or Lose It
拉馬克主義(英語:Lamarckism)也稱做拉馬克學說,或是拉馬克式演化。這個理論是由法國生物學家拉馬克(Jean Baptiste Lamarck) 於1809年發表的《動物哲學》(Philosophie zoologique,亦譯作《動物學哲學》)首先提出,其理論的基礎是「獲得性遺傳」(Inheritance of acquired traits)和「用進廢退說」(theory of use and disuse),拉馬克認為「用進廢退」是生物產生變異的原因,又是適應環境的過程。他說,生物經常使用的器官,會逐漸發達,會不斷進化,如鐵匠的手臂較粗,而不使用的器官,會逐漸退化。大腦的法則,是「競爭」,也是「用進廢退」。越常使用、練習某種技能,該技能在大腦中的神經元連結地圖,會更擴張,在大腦中更具優勢。透過學習,可以使大腦建構新地圖,形成新連結,改善或增進大腦的認知功能。
對於拉馬克而言,整個生命世界展現出來的,就是進步。而「用進廢退」是用來解釋生物的適應的,透過習慣,行為會造成重大的影響。達爾文在1859年出版《物種源始》之後,對生物演化的了解和認識的形式,更有了很大的轉變。達爾文提出的演化論,包括四個要素:變異、遺傳、選擇,和適應。變異是一個隨機的過程,而選擇是一個非隨機的過程。19世紀的遺傳學是以混合論為主流的一個遺傳理論。那時候的人認為變異,應該是不能被遺傳的。透過孟德爾的遺傳學,我們現在知道每一個生物特徵遺傳,是由各自的獨特基因造成的。在達爾文的演化論裡面的生物變異,過程是隨機的、沒有目的的。我們看到的所有的變異,都是對環境的適應。在1943年,Luria S. E. 和M. Delbruck利用病毒感染細菌, 觀察細菌是否有抗病毒的能力。目的是為了回答突變是自發性的呢?還是受到環境的影響?實驗結果告訴我們,生物對後天獲得的一些性徵,有可能可以遺傳。基因扮演很重要的角色,是指揮個體的發育。但是,個體在發育的過程中,會受到環境的影響,而這個環境的影響,才是真正決定個體最後形成的狀況。當細胞受到外界壓力,會啟動SOS機制,加速細胞突變。簡單來說,當生物面對環境的壓力時,應該會做出對策,但生物無法設計對策,所以,對策仍然是隨機的。隨機的突變增加,生存的機會越大。
腦細胞會死,神經可塑性卻持續一生。人們常以為,聰明靈巧是天才的專利,事實上,「成年人的大腦不能改變」這觀念是大錯特錯的。愈來愈多研究證明,成人的大腦依然具有可塑性,能因應環境的改變,及獲取新的訊息,所有的生活經驗,都會改變大腦神經迴路的設定。美國腦神經科學家莫山尼克(Michael Merzenich)便是神經可塑性領域的頂尖翹楚之一,他研發的訓練軟體Fast ForWorld,成功地幫助學習障礙的孩子,改進認知功能。針對銀髮族鍛鍊大腦的軟體Brain Fitness Program Classic及InSight,則能改善老人衰退的記憶力、思考力,和提高資訊的處理速度。就算沒有使用這些神奇的軟體,我們的大腦也非常害怕無聊,是要常常去學習嶄新的東西的。「我們的大腦就是要來演化對新奇的東西起反應的,如果要充分感受到自己活著,就必須不斷地學習,」這是《改變是大腦的天性》作者多吉醫師(Norman Doidge)的忠告。
Habits are good and bad behaviors that we repeat without giving them much thought. Habits are consistent, repeated behaviors. However, good habits contribute to our personal development, helping us achieve goals and live a healthy lifestyle. Habits aren’t always consciously formed. They can develop when we are operating on autopilot. For example, we might want a glass of wine after a particularly stressful day. At first, it’s just the stressful days that make us crave a glass of wine, but after a while, we might have a glass of wine every time we get home from work, even on good days. In other words, we’ve formed a new habit without even realizing it. Habits happen on autopilot, but routines happen with deliberate practice. For example, our morning routine might involve waking up to an alarm, brushing our teeth, washing our face, combing our hair, and drinking a cup of coffee before going to work. These behaviors might become habits after a while, but they are only the results of intentional actions. Habit formation, on the other hand, often happens without conscious thought. Learning how to form new good habits and eliminate bad ones can help us control our impulses, and begin to build a healthier lifestyle. Our habits shape who we are. They shape our attitudes, actions, and decision-making abilities. And they affect every aspect of our lives. 
As far as we know, habits are driven by reward-seeking mechanisms in the brain. For instance, walking past a cafe and smelling coffee beans can trigger us to want a cup of coffee. After a while, a habit happens with little or no conscious thought. It runs on autopilot, and it becomes a repetitive part of our lifestyle. Gradually, drinking a cup of coffee would be our habit and daily routine. Therefore, if we surround ourselves with like-minded people who have similar goals to us, it is, certainly, the good way to push us form good habits. As humans, we are greatly influenced by what others around us are doing or feeling. Being around like-minded individuals is also encouraging. For example, we may have formed a habit of going for a run in the morning. Making connections with other runners will give us that extra energy and motivation to stick to our running habits. Being around a positive group of people who share similar goals and interests can be the single greatest catalyst to help us maintain our habits.
Building a habit is difficult. But maintaining it can even be more daunting (令人氣餒的). Putting too much pressure on ourselves to maintain our habits can be counterproductive (適得其反的). Actually, habit formation and maintenance are a journey. And failure is a natural part of the journey. Building good habits is one of the main pillars of personal growth. To build better habits, we should shape our environment in a positive way, and take it one step at a time. 
