國際時事跟讀 Ep.K775: NewJeans捲入K-pop爭議,Hybe和Ador之間爆發糾紛 NewJeans Embroiled in K-pop Controversy Amid Hybe and Ador Dispute

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國際時事跟讀 Ep.K775: NewJeans Embroiled in K-pop Controversy Amid Hybe and Ador Dispute

Highlights 主題摘要:

  • NewJeans, a rising K-pop girl group, is embroiled in a heated controversy involving their creative director, Min Hee-jin, and record labels Hybe and Ador.
  • The dispute revolves around accusations of copying, audits, and power struggles, with Min Hee-jin emotionally refuting Hybe's claims in a press conference.
  • The ongoing controversy has divided fans, impacted Hybe's shares, and shed light on the complex relationships and power dynamics within the K-pop industry.

NewJeans, a rising girl group in the K-pop industry, finds itself at the center of a heated controversy involving their creative director, Min Hee-jin, and the record labels Hybe and Ador. The dispute has captured the attention of the entire nation, with accusations of copying, audits, and an emotional press conference by Min Hee-jin. The five-member group, known for their unique blend of old-school R&B and catchy melodies, has quickly gained a massive following since their debut in 2022. Their music has garnered critical acclaim, with their hit song "SuperShy" making multiple "best of the year" lists in 2023.


The controversy began when Hybe, the parent company of Ador and home to popular K-pop acts like BTS and Seventeen, announced an audit of Ador and its executives, including Min Hee-jin. Hybe accused them of plotting to go independent, taking control of the label, and leaking confidential information. Min Hee-jin, who holds an 18% stake in Ador, denied the allegations and, in turn, accused Hybe of launching a girl group that copied NewJeans' music and appearance. The tensions between the two parties have been building for some time, with creative differences and power struggles at the heart of the issue.

爭議始於Hybe宣布對其子公司Ador及其高管(包括閔熙珍)進行審計。Hybe是Ador的母公司,也是BTS和Seventeen等知名K-pop團體的東家。Hybe指控他們密謀獨立,接管唱片公司,並洩露機密信息。持有Ador 18%股份的閔熙珍否認了這些指控,反過來指責Hybe推出了一個抄襲NewJeans音樂和外觀的女子組合。雙方之間的緊張關係已經醞釀了一段時間,創意分歧和權力鬥爭是問題的核心。

The situation escalated with Min Hee-jin's highly-anticipated press conference, where she emotionally disputed Hybe's claims and discussed creative differences. During the two-hour live-streamed event, Min Hee-jin sobbed several times and used expletive language, stating, "It's not me who betrayed Hybe, it's Hybe that betrayed me." Hybe announced their intention to file a police complaint against Min Hee-jin for breach of trust and other related allegations. K-pop fans are divided on the issue, with some supporting NewJeans and others siding with Min Hee-jin. The controversy has even impacted Hybe's shares, which fell nearly 15% in a week, demonstrating the significant influence of the K-pop industry on the stock market.


As the dispute continues, the future remains uncertain for NewJeans and the involved parties. It is speculated that the matter may end up in court, with Min Hee-jin expressing her desire to sue Hybe for damages. Hybe has requested a shareholders' meeting at Ador to dismiss Min Hee-jin, but local reports suggest that this is unlikely to happen due to opposition from Min Hee-jin and her team. If the meeting cannot be held, Hybe will have to seek court permission, which could take up to two months. Despite the ongoing controversy, NewJeans has not directly addressed the situation and is set to release their new double single, "How Sweet," in May. Fans and the general public alike are closely following the developments in this high-profile K-pop controversy, which has shed light on the complex relationships and power dynamics within the industry.

隨著爭議的持續,NewJeans和相關各方的未來仍不確定。有人推測此事可能會在法庭上解決,閔熙珍表示希望起訴Hybe索賠。Hybe已要求Ador召開股東會議,撤換閔熙珍,但當地報導指出,由於閔熙珍及其團隊的反對,這不太可能發生。如果無法召開會議,Hybe將不得不尋求法院許可,這可能需要長達兩個月的時間。儘管爭議持續,NewJeans尚未直接回應這一情況,並計劃在5月發行新的雙曲單曲「How Sweet」。粉絲和公眾都在密切關注這場備受矚目的K-pop爭議的進展,這場爭議揭示了該行業內複雜的關係和權力動態。

Keyword Drills 關鍵字:

  1. Accusation (ac-cu-sa-tion): The dispute has captured the attention of the entire nation, with accusations of copying, audits, and an emotional press conference by Min Hee-jin.
  2. Confidential (con-fi-den-tial): Hybe accused them of plotting to go independent, taking control of the label, and leaking confidential information.
  3. Allegation (al-le-ga-tion): Min Hee-jin, who holds an 18% stake in Ador, denied the allegations and, in turn, accused Hybe of launching a girl group that copied NewJeans' music and appearance.
  4. Intention (in-ten-tion): Hybe announced their intention to file a police complaint against Min Hee-jin for breach of trust and other related allegations.
  5. Speculated (spec-u-lat-ed): It is speculated that the matter may end up in court, with Min Hee-jin expressing her desire to sue Hybe for damages.

Reference article: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c98zyq3g8xyo
