Ep. 60: The Lyricist Wannabe《填詞L》 w/ Director Norris Wong 2/2 [Cantonese]

The Hong Kong On Screen Podcast


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《填詞L》已於5月25日於Starlight Whittier Village Cinemas 下午3點放映 🎬✨,多謝入場觀賞電影的朋友 💖,另外也多謝導演黃綺琳和監製黃鐦親身來到現場跟我們分享 🙏。

在這一集podcast,我們跟導演主要討論了電影拍攝初衷 🎥,選景的邏輯 📍,拍攝期間的挑戰 💪,以及對填詞夢的最終結果有什麼看法 🎶。

係呢度聽:https://hkonscreen.firstory.io/ 🎧

"The Lyricist Wannabe" was screened on May 25th at 3:00 PM at Starlight Whittier Village Cinemas 🎬✨. We thank everyone who came to watch the film 💖 and special thanks to director Norris Wong and producer Hoi Wong for coming in person to share with us 🙏.

In this episode of the podcast, we mainly discussed with the director the initial inspiration for making the film 🎥, the logic behind choosing locations 📍, the challenges faced during filming 💪, and their thoughts on the outcome of the dream of becoming a lyricist 🎶.

Listen here: https://hkonscreen.firstory.io/ 🎧


The Hong Kong On Screen Podcast is a podcast about Hong Kong Cinema. The HKOS Podcast is hosted by Hong Kongers. You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also email us at info@hkonscreen.org.

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