國際時事跟讀 Ep.K787: Netflix 影集《馴鹿寶貝》的真人原型出面澄清 The Real-Life Inspiration Behind Netflix's 'Baby Reindeer' Speaks Out

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國際時事跟讀 Ep.K787: The Real-Life Inspiration Behind Netflix's 'Baby Reindeer' Speaks Out

Highlights 主題摘要:

  • The real-life inspiration for the character Martha in 'Baby Reindeer,' Fiona Harvey, disputes the accuracy of the show's portrayal and threatens legal action.
  • The show's popularity has led to intense online speculation and harassment directed at those believed to be the real-life counterparts of the characters.
  • The controversy raises questions about the responsibility of creators when adapting true stories for entertainment and the impact on those involved.

Netflix's new miniseries 'Baby Reindeer' has taken the streaming world by storm, captivating viewers with its gripping tale of a comedian's experience with a stalker. The show, based on the true story of Scottish comedian Richard Gadd, follows the character Donny Dunn as he navigates the relentless harassment from a woman named Martha. However, the real-life inspiration for Martha, Fiona Harvey, has come forward to dispute the accuracy of the show's portrayal and threatens legal action against Gadd and Netflix.

Netflix 的新迷你劇集《馴鹿寶貝》(Baby Reindeer)以描述一位喜劇演員遭遇跟蹤狂的故事,席捲串流媒體世界,令觀眾著迷。該劇改編自蘇格蘭喜劇演員李察·蓋德(Richard Gadd)的真實經歷,劇中主角唐尼·鄧恩(Donny Dunn)飽受一名叫瑪莎(Martha)的女子無情騷擾。然而,啟發瑪莎這個角色的真人──菲奧娜·哈維(Fiona Harvey)站出來質疑該劇的描述準確度,並揚言要對蓋德和 Netflix 提出法律訴訟。

In an interview with Piers Morgan, Fiona Harvey, a 58-year-old woman claiming to be the real Martha, expressed her outrage at the show's depiction of her. She called the series "defamatory" and a "work of fiction," denying many of the incidents portrayed in the show, such as offering Gadd a cup of tea, heckles his comedy show, attacking his girlfriend, or contacting his parents. Harvey also disputed the extent of her communication with Gadd, claiming she only sent him a handful of emails, tweeted him about 18 times, and wrote him one letter, contrary to the thousands of messages depicted in the show.

在接受皮爾斯·摩根(Piers Morgan)的專訪時,自稱是真正瑪莎的 58 歲女性菲奧娜·哈維表達了對該劇刻畫她的憤慨。她稱這部影集「誹謗」且「虛構」,否認劇中描繪的許多事件,例如她給蓋德一杯茶、在他的喜劇表演中鬧場、攻擊他的女友,或聯絡他的爸媽。哈維還對自己與蓋德的通訊程度提出質疑,聲稱她只寄給他少量電子郵件,在推特上提到他大約 18 次,並寫了一封信給他,與劇中描繪的數千則訊息不符。

The popularity of 'Baby Reindeer' has led to intense online speculation about the real identities of the characters, particularly Martha and Darrien, a TV comedy writer who sexually assaults Donny in the show. This has resulted in harassment and death threats directed at Harvey, as well as accusations against British actor, writer, and director Sean Foley, who some viewers believe to be the real-life Darrien. The situation has become so severe that Gadd had to post an Instagram story asking fans to stop their unsubstantiated guesswork, while Foley has called upon the police to investigate the threatening posts against him.

《馴鹿寶貝》的超高人氣引發了網路上對劇中角色真實身分的激烈臆測,特別是瑪莎和達瑞恩(Darrien)──一位在劇中性侵唐尼的電視喜劇編劇。這導致哈維遭到騷擾和死亡威脅,而一些觀眾認為是現實生活中達瑞恩的英國演員、編劇和導演西恩·佛利(Sean Foley)也面臨指控。情況變得如此嚴重,以致蓋德不得不在 Instagram 上發文,要求粉絲停止沒有根據的猜測,而佛利也已經請警方調查針對他的威脅貼文。

Despite Gadd's claims that he never viewed his stalker as a villain and felt sorry for her, Harvey strongly disagrees. She believes Gadd is "psychotic" and finds the behavior of those involved in the show "outrageous." As the controversy surrounding 'Baby Reindeer' continues to unfold, it raises important questions about the responsibility of creators when adapting true stories for entertainment and the impact on the lives of those involved. With Harvey's threat of legal action looming, the future of the show and its real-life implications remain uncertain.


Keyword Drills 關鍵字:

  1. Comedian (Co-me-di-an): The show, based on the true story of Scottish comedian Richard Gadd, follows the character Donny Dunn as he navigates the relentless harassment from a woman named Martha.
  2. Defamatory (De-fam-a-to-ry): She called the series "defamatory" and a "work of fiction," denying many of the incidents portrayed in the show, such as offering Gadd a cup of tea, heckles his comedy show, attacking his girlfriend, or contacting his parents.
  3. Relentless (Re-lent-less): The show, based on the true story of Scottish comedian Richard Gadd, follows the character Donny Dunn as he navigates the relentless harassment from a woman named Martha.
  4. Unsubstantiated (Un-sub-stan-ti-a-ted): The situation has become so severe that Gadd had to post an Instagram story asking fans to stop their unsubstantiated guesswork, while Foley has called upon the police to investigate the threatening posts against him.
  5. Psychotic (Psy-chot-ic): She believes Gadd is "psychotic" and finds the behavior of those involved in the show "outrageous."

Reference article:
1. https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/pop-culture-news/baby-reindeer-alleged-martha-speaks-out-piers-morgan-rcna151585
2. https://www.forbes.com/sites/monicamercuri/2024/04/30/the-crazy-true-story-behind-netflixs-baby-reindeer-what-happens-to-martha/?sh=2b3c107a1099
