這句英文怎麼說 #191 我腦袋一片空白



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快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字:
My mind's gone blank./ I’m drawing a blank./My mind just blanked out.

My mind's gone blank./ My mind went blank.
I’m drawing a blank.
*blank (a.) 空白的,茫然的

  • a blank sheet of paper 一張白紙
  • Please sign your name in the blank space. 請在空白處簽名
  • a blank expression 茫然的表情

(n.) 空白處,空格

  • Fill in the blanks on this form. 將這份表格填好

My mind just blanked out.
I had a brain fart/ brain fade.

沒想清楚 can’t think straight

  • I regretted what I did last night. I wasn’t thinking straight.

恍神、放空、發呆 space out/ zone out
整理一下思緒 gather your thoughts

Erskine:I’m supposed to tell you something, but I can’t think of what it was.
Duncan:Don't worry, it happens to everyone.
Erskine:Yeah, but my mind went blank as soon as I saw you.
Duncan:Seems like you’re having a brain fart. Take a few minutes to gather your thoughts.

Describe a time when your mind went blank.

  • doing job interviews-I hate doing job interviews. It’s not that the questions are difficult, I just get brain fade as soon as I walk into the room.
  • giving a speech/ presentation- got distracted by technical problems
  • talking to your crush
  • feeling scared
  • walking through doorways like kitchen- forgot what to do

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