Episode 61 | 爱与成长:聊聊亲子关系 Growing Up and Parent-child Relationship

瞎扯学中文 Convo Chinese


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打断|dǎduàn|interrupt; break off; cut off
亲子关系|qīnzǐguānxì|parent-child relationship
同龄|tónglíng|same age; of the same age
转折点|zhuǎnzhédiǎn|turning point; critical point; watershed
感悟|gǎnwù|perception; insight; understanding
长大成人|chángdàchéngrén|grow up; come of age; reach adulthood
迅速|xùnsù|rapid; speedy; fast
老去|lǎo qù|grow old; aging
掌控|zhǎngkòng|control; dominate
欲望|yùwàng|desire; longing; craving
价值观|jiàzhíguān|values; value system; moral values
人生观|rénshēngguān|outlook on life; life view; philosophy of life
认知|rènzhī|cognition; awareness; perception
挣扎|zhēngzhá|struggle; wrestle; flounder
碰撞|pèngzhuàng|collision; clash; conflict
领悟|lǐngwù|comprehend; understand; grasp
关键的节点|guānjiàn de jiédiǎn|critical point; key point
精确|jīngquè|accurate; precise
老年大学|lǎoniándàxué|university for the elderly; senior university
玩手机|wán shǒujī|play with a mobile phone; use a mobile phone
深刻地理解到|shēnkè de lǐjiě dào|deeply understand; profoundly realize
成年人|chéngniánrén|adult; grown-up
一套理论|yītào lǐlùn|a set of theories; a theory
伤人|shāngrén|hurt someone; injure someone
矛盾|máodùn|conflict; contradiction; disagreement
冷暴力|lěngbàolì|cold violence; silent treatment; emotional neglect
搞那么大|gǎo nàme dà|make a big deal out of it; blow things out of proportion
上一辈人|shàng yībèi rén|previous generation; older generation
情绪价值|qíngxù jiàzhí|emotional value
边界感|biānjiè gǎn|sense of boundaries; sense of limits
混为一谈|hùnwéiyītán|to confuse two different things; to lump together
孝顺|xiàoshùn|filial piety; to be obedient to one's parents
投射|tóushè|project; cast; throw
帖子|tiězi|post; message; thread
自我意识|zìwǒyìshí|self-awareness; self-consciousness
亲密关系|qīnmìguānxì|intimate relationship
从属关系|cóngshǔguānxì|subordinate relationship; dependency relationship
养育之恩|yǎngyùzhīēn|the grace of raising; the kindness of upbringing
养儿防老|yǎng'érfánglǎo|raise children to provide for old age
公务员|gōngwùyuán|civil servant; public official
探索自我|tànsuǒ zìwǒ|self-exploration; self-discovery
虚无缥缈|xūwúpiǎomiǎo|ethereal; illusory; vague
