🤔 你是否曾經好奇,每個孩子背後都藏著哪些有趣的故事? 🤔
🤔 你是否也曾被孩子複雜的情緒搞得頭昏腦脹?
🤔 你是否想知道如何用更豐富的視角看待孩子?
🎙️ 本集「藝起來共鳴」來到花蓮壽豐,在2024年四月,地震頻繁的當下,與花蓮新城國中公民老師兼導師賴錦慧老師,在深夜暖心對談。
❤️ 錦慧老師用親身經歷,帶領我們進入充滿多元文化與溫暖人心的校園,分享她如何引導學生表達情緒,以及如何在一個充滿差異性多元的校園環境中,與孩子們共處、學習和成長。
❤️ 錦慧老師分享她在教學中運用薩提爾和人類學的寶貴經驗,學習如何與孩子建立更深層的連結,如何引導他們勇敢表達自己的感受,並創造更美好的親師互動。
✨ 收聽本集,你將收穫:
🎧 立即點擊收聽,藝起來共鳴!🚀 也不要錯過精彩下集的「一頁共鳴」喔!
👇 在ShareClass網站上所分享的「溫老師備課Party」的情緒列表學習單:
🎉 Have you ever wondered what interesting stories lie behind each child? 🤔
🎙️ This episode of "Resonating with Art" invites Lai Chin-hui, a civics teacher and mentor at Hualien Xincheng Junior High School, to guide you through the exploration of multicultural education and how to understand children's inner worlds using the perspectives of Satir and anthropology in teaching!
❤️ Chin-hui shares her personal experiences on how she guides students to express their emotions and how she co-exists, learns and grows with them in a school environment filled with diverse cultures.
✨ You will gain:
🎧 Click to listen now and resonate with us!
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