ep10【共鳴下午茶】「一頁共鳴」在花蓮 ft. 賴錦慧老師(下集)
🎙️ 本集「藝起來共鳴」在花蓮地震頻繁的背景下,主持人孫菊君和錦慧老師各自面對著生活中的難題。菊君困惑於如何面對花蓮居民在地震中的無助感,而錦慧則在處理特殊學生的需求時感到壓力巨大。她們選擇翻開心儀的書籍,在深夜進行「一頁共鳴」的激盪,獲致難以想像的神奇啟發!
💔 “我第一次很明確地告訴別人我做不到,我需要幫忙。” ~~花蓮新城國中老師賴錦慧在《重啟人生的十七個練習》中找到啟發,鼓起勇氣坦承自己的無力感,並獲得了莫大的支持。
🥰 “原來只是想說發展一個花蓮美食卡可以變成一個教學工具,沒想到調出好多很棒的暖心故事。” ~~ 主持人孫菊君在花蓮地震後,將原本的花蓮美食卡工作坊主題改為“療心食物卡”,反而激發出更多療癒人心的故事,體會到用個人專業和創意原來可以幫助到別人。
💪 當菊君在《我還能再看到幾次滿月?》中看到坂本龍一對911受災者的真誠關懷時,她意識到自己也能夠用自己的力量去幫助他人。而錦慧在《重啟人生的十七個練習》中發現了「求助」的重要性,鼓起勇氣向校長和同事坦承自己的無力感,並獲得了莫大的支持。
🚀 立即點擊收聽,擁抱愛與理解,讓你的生活和孩子們的世界充滿更多共鳴!
🌿 本集提到的花蓮原民料理餐廳:
Fali法礫原民料理工作室 https://www.facebook.com/fali0220/
花蓮縣花蓮市中美路117-1號, Hualien City, Taiwan
🎙️ This episode of "Resonating with Art" against the backdrop of frequent earthquakes in Hualien, host Sun Chu-chun and Chin-hui also face their own life challenges. Chu-chun is perplexed by how to deal with the helplessness of Hualien residents in the face of earthquakes, while Chin-hui feels immense pressure in dealing with the special needs of autistic students. They choose to open their favorite books and seek comfort and inspiration from them.
💔 “For the first time, I clearly told others that I can’t do it, I need help.” - Lai Chin-hui, a civics teacher and mentor at Hualien Xincheng Junior High School, finds inspiration in “Seventeen Practices to Restart Life”, and gathers the courage to tell about her own feelings of helplessness and receives tremendous support.
🥰 “I just wanted to develop a Hualien food card to become a teaching tool, but I didn't expect to get so many great heartwarming stories.” - Host Sun Chu-chun, after the earthquake in Hualien, changed the original topic of the Hualien Food Card workshop to "Heart-Healing Food Cards," which in turn inspired many more heartwarming stories, realizing that using her own professional skills and creativity could help others.
💪 When Chu-chun sees the sincere concern for victims in "How Many Times Will I See the Full Moon?" by Ryuichi Sakamoto, she realizes that she too can use her own power to help others. And Chin-hui discovers the importance of "asking for help" in "Seventeen Practices to Restart Life"
🚀 Click to listen now and embrace love and understanding, let your life and the world of children resonate with more!
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