Episode 62 | 我的中式婚礼全记录 My Chinese wedding (video included!)

瞎扯学中文 Convo Chinese


Available Platforms

Schedule a free 30 minutes 1:1 online Chinese class with me ! https://calendly.com/xinqing-lu/30min

Please note

  • This is totally free!
  • The available time is from Jun 28 to Aug 8
  • I will be in the Chicago time zone, available generally everyday from 7:30-10:00am and 9:00-10:30pm
  • Please book the class 1 day ahead of time
  • 2 sessions are available every day (first come first serve)
  • Each account can only book maximum 3 sessions

Or directly get in touch with me: Xinqing.Lu.Joanne@Gmail.com

寂寞__jìmò__lonely; lonesome; solitude
亲戚朋友__qīnqīpéngyǒu__relatives and friends
热闹__rènao__lively; bustling; busy
酷炫__kù xuàn__cool; flashy; stylish
国际化__guójìhuà__internationalization; globalization
回顾__huígù__review; look back; reflect
复盘__fùpán__review; replay; debrief
抬轿子__táijiàozi__to carry a sedan chair
组装__zǔzhuāng__assemble; put together
轿子__jiàozi__sedan chair; palanquin
传统习俗__chuántǒngxísú__traditional customs; traditional practices
宣传__xuānchuán__propaganda; publicity; promotion
新奇__xīnqí__novel; new and strange; interesting
参与感__cānyǔgǎn__sense of participation; sense of involvement
唢呐__suǒnà__suona; Chinese shawm; traditional Chinese wind instrument
乐器__yuèqì__musical instrument
扬声器__yángshēngqì__loudspeaker; speaker
自发__zìfā__spontaneous; voluntary
红盖头__hónggàitóu__red bridal veil
租赁__zūlìn__lease; rent; hire
秀禾__xiù hé__Xiuhe (traditional Chinese wedding dress)
枇杷树__pípáshù__loquat tree
药用价值__yàoyòngjiàzhí__medicinal value
__niàng__brew; ferment; make (wine, etc.)
友善__yǒushàn__friendly; kind
难忘的一个经历__nánwàng de yígè jīnglì__an unforgettable experience
浩浩荡荡__hàohàodàngdàng__mighty; vast and mighty; magnificent
风土人情__fēngtǔrénqíng__local conditions and customs; local customs and practices; local culture
淳朴__chúnpǔ__simple and honest; unsophisticated; sincere
吃席__chī xí__to attend a banquet; to feast
传统__chuántǒng__tradition; traditional
露天__lùtiān__outdoor; open-air
端菜__duāncài__serve dishes
蛏子__chēngzǐ__razor clam
生煎包__shēng jiān bāo__pan-fried buns; fried dumplings
鱼虾__yúxiā__fish and shrimp
拼图__pīntú__jigsaw puzzle
佩服__pèifú__admire; respect
装裱__zhuāngbiǎo__to mount (a picture or calligraphy); to frame
复制__fùzhì__copy; duplicate; reproduce
走样__zǒuyàng__to deviate from the original; to be distorted; to go out of shape
中西结合__ZhōngXī jiéhé__combination of Chinese and Western; integration of Chinese and Western
筹备__chóubèi__prepare; arrange; plan
策划师__cèhuáshī__planner; coordinator; designer
中式__Zhōngshì__Chinese style
西式__xīshì__Western style
焦点__jiāodiǎn__focus; focal point; central point
梦幻__mènghuàn__dream; illusion; fantasy
通风报信__tōngfēngbàoxìn__tip off; leak information
耸肩__sǒngjiān__shrug; shrug shoulders
酒席__jiǔxí__banquet; feast; dinner party
生活轨迹__shēnghuó guǐjì__life path; life trajectory
本末倒置__běnmòdàozhì__to confuse the primary and secondary; to put the cart before the horse
买椟还珠__mǎidúhuánzhū__buying the case and returning the pearls; making a bad trade
隆重__lóngzhòng__grand; solemn; ceremonious
盛大__shèngdà__grand; magnificent; splendid
转瞬即逝__zhuǎnshùnjíshì__fleeting; transient; momentary
从简__cóngjiǎn__to keep things simple; to simplify
人去楼空__rénqùlóukōng__The people are gone and the place is empty; Deserted
喜字__xǐzì__double happiness character; wedding decoration
红地毯__hóngdìtǎn__red carpet
彩蛋__cǎidàn__Easter egg
煽情__shānqíng__sentimental; emotional; melodramatic
搞笑__gǎoxiào__funny; comical; hilarious
