【白噪音】瀑布的聲音🌙White Noise⭐️放鬆 睡眠 冥想⭐️ Relax Meditation Sleep⭐️睡眠音樂#55

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白噪音可以輔助治療一些神經系統疾病。目前專家已經把它用來應用在兩方面: 一是利用白噪音來停止嬰兒的哭泣。新生兒剛剛離開媽媽的子宮,來到一個陌生的環境,陌生的聲音會令他們感到煩躁不安。而白噪音與他們熟悉的子宮裡的聲音有著類似之處。還有一些經常受到環境噪音污染的人群會利用白噪音來幫助恢復工作效率,比如一些大學生、白領,會利用白噪音來降低那些施工噪音對他們集中力產生的不良影響。專心,讀書效率,消除疲勞,睡覺品質提升,停止嬰兒哭泣,放鬆精神,冥想,練瑜伽,療癒身心,舒緩壓力以上都是白噪音帶來的好處。

White noise can help treat some neurological disorders. At present, experts have used it in two ways: one is to use white noise to stop babies crying. Newborns have just left their mother's womb and come into an unfamiliar environment, where unfamiliar sounds can make them feel restless. The white noise has similarities to the sounds in their familiar wombs. There are also some people who are often polluted by environmental noise will use white noise to help restore work efficiency, such as some college students and white-collar workers, who will use white noise to reduce the adverse effects of construction noise on their concentration. Concentration, reading efficiency, eliminating fatigue, improving sleep quality, stopping baby crying, relaxing the mind, meditating, practicing yoga, healing the body and mind, and relieving stress are all benefits brought by white noise.


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